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Chew toys for older kids

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Crazy, I know. My 5 year old has issues with his teeth not lining up correctly. His dentist says that it is probably a little annoying and so he grinds his teeth at night. During the day, he chews on things :glare:. I've tried giving him gum but he is 5 so he ends up playing with it or it falls out of his mouth onto the floor. Really, kid, close your mouth!! Anyway, are there chew toys that are tough enough for big kids??

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Yes. Do a search for chewies for kids, and there are plenty of sites geared to that end. They're largely provided for kids with ADHD or on the autism spectrum; DD's teacher purchased and gave each kid in the class one last year after an autistic classmate brought one in and all the other kids got jealous. DD brought it home and DS fell in love with it. He's my mouther, even at the ripe old age of 8. In April I caught him mouthing a toy from the floor of the pediatrician's office and nearly died.


I'll warn you, though, that if you purchase them, get some earplugs to go with them. They SQUEAK.

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