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Can ya'll help me with a delicate situation? I am in charge of making the

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graduation program for our homeschool group next week. We're having it in a church. Each graduate sent in a picture to be printed beside their biography. One of the girl's is in a modeling school and sent in a glamour shot. When I cropped the picture, it makes her look like she doesn't have any clothes on. This won't work as the group is conservative for the most part and since it's being held in a church that supports our group ALOT (it's the main church for most of the homeschoolers in our area) and the youth pastor of that church is the guest speaker. All the other kids sent in conservative pictures, but this girl. Now, I've got to contact her and let her know she'll need to send in another picture. Please help me figure out what in a tactful way. I can't seem to get my words to sound right. I don't want to be offensive. Here's what I have put together so far:




I received the picture you sent. You take beautiful pictures, but I wanted to let you know that when I tried to crop it, it makes it look like you don't have any clothes on. I'm thinking that you would prefer it to not look like that, since the graduation program leans towards being conservative. I'm not real sure how to handle this and I sure don't want to hurt your feelings. I've talked to the graduation committee to seek their wisdom on what to do. _____ mentioned that she had received several pictures from you for the yearbook. I'd like to use one of those instead of this one or another option is to not use a picture. One other graduate didn't want his picture in there, so you wouldn't be the only one without a picture. Hopefully, you will understand and receive this in the spirit it is meant.

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Could you just call the girl's mom and say "I'm afraid 'Jane' might be embarrassed by the way I had to crop her photo for the graduation ceremony. Do you have a picture of her I could use that would have a bit of t-shirt/collar in it? I'd hate for her to feel awkward." Something like that?

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Can you just tell her the photo needs to be a certain size? or that cropping some photos doesn't work well? W/out specifics?


I'll bet she--or at least her parents--will be glad you're being so careful. Imagine how embarrassing!

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Or could you call her and say that you are concerned about the way it looks after cropping, and that you'd like to show it to her and either get her approval or give her a chance to choose something else?


If she doesn't think it looks bad, you might have to just let it go... I don't think I'd try to explain this in writing... I'd arrange to show her the pictures and how they compare to others, and they will probably be VERY thankful that you were considerate enough to contact them with the concern... let them decide if it makes an inappropriate suggestion, or if it would embarrass them in any way.


You are very kind to consider them like this... I wouldn't make the judgement... I'd just involve them in the decision making.


Good luck


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aware that there are "issues" with it already. She has on a tube top, but in the picture she sent me, there is no evidence of any clothing from the shoulders down. I've tried to size it, but it still looks like she's got nothing on.


The bad thing is you can't get ahold of the mother. The yearbook staff has tried NUMEROUS times via email and phone to get ahold of her to no avail. The person in charge of the yearbook finally went to their house and sat in the driveway for a while and caught her mother coming home. You can't get the mother via email either.


Maybe I should just email the daughter and ask her to call me so I can discuss it with her. I don't want her to get the wrong impression via email and you know how words can get misunderstood via email. (I'm thinking out loud here.)

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Okay, well if she is so hard to get in touch with then she's obviously not going to help solve the problem between now and then anyway.


What did the mother say when the yearbook people finally cornered her? I think that if they had the same issue with the picture and they made contact with the mom, that you should maybe follow their lead and do whatever they intend to do with the picture. I don't think I'd talk to the girl about it. That might cause more problems.


Can you not just go ahead and put in the book as it is? I would either do whatever the yearbook people are doing, or I would call and email once (and once only) to see if you can get another picture but if she didn't respond I'd go with it as is and if anyone complains, you can say that you tried to swap it out. Above all,

I would not exclude the picture and leave her with nothing in the program. That would probably offend,


Another idea... can you crop it with an oval (or put an oval overlay on it) so that the shoulders don't show?



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