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History and Geography?

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Guest momk2000

I just received Beginning Geography from Evan Moor for my rising 1st grader. It looks like a great introduction to Geography. We plan to get the I Love America book and CD (lovetolearn.net sells it, and I'm sure it is available from other sites as well). We will use these along with plenty of read alouds from the library. :)

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Well, SOTW1 is great. I used it for my boys when DS1 was a first grader and DS2 was a kinder. That has a good deal of geography in it. I also have been using Maps, Globes & Graphs by Steck-Vaughn and that has give the kids a lot of good skills.

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My daughter is starting 1st grade and we are going to start off with learning the States and Capitals. I downloaded informational and activity sheets on all the states from schoolexpress.com.


From there we will work on world geography. I have Galloping the Globe and informational/activity sheets also from schoolexpress.com for that too. I have SOTW, but it seems a little above her head at the moment. I bought CD's that go along with it and we have listened to it twice (at 11 hrs for the set!) on our 12 hr drives while moving. She really enjoyed listening to it, but I think she will do better working on that next year for 2nd grade.

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I don't have any plans to do history in K. I might do FIAR, which includes some social studies/geography. I'm still undecided. It's a year away, thankfully. :tongue_smilie:


If he were my oldest, I'd do SOTW1 in first, as I did with my oldest, but since oldest will be doing SOTW4 when DS2 is in 1st, I'll likely do some American history with him. I might use something like Elemental History or a Living History of Our World. Not sure which yet. I'll make a decision closer to time, when more reviews are in on both programs for that age level. :)


If the child is reading and writing well, I'd be ok with doing some light history in K, but if the child isn't reading and writing well, I would prefer to spend that time working on reading and writing, and just do history as casual library books without a curriculum to adhere to.

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