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Good/positive reviews impacted removals please and pain relief

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I can't get into the only oral surgeon on my plan until thursday. And I am petrified of dentists so this is great. I am having the worst pain from one since saturday night. Right now, while I am searching for a general dentist that will take our plan what is a great natural way to relieve pain. I am taking white willow bark for it. I am allergic to asprin. I have a pretty high pain tolerence but this is bad. We just got insurance so that is why I don't have a regular dentist yet and also, most don't want a patient who ask questions around here- anti flouride, etc.



Thank you. Sorry if this does not make since but I am having a bad pain episode right now.

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I'd really push to try & get in earlier than Thurs if you can. If it's infected (which causes severe pain) it can get into the nerves & cause permanent damage. I just missed that, as my (new, just saw him for this) dentist pushed to get me in the day he saw me, last slot of the day, and my cheek/gums were indeed starting to go numb that day. They got it out & treated in time, but that was scary. :grouphug: Clove oil will help numb it but if it's infected/in severe pain, I'd try to get in sooner or see a regular dentist (tell them it's an emergency) & they can pull some strings.

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I'd really push to try & get in earlier than Thurs if you can. If it's infected (which causes severe pain) it can get into the nerves & cause permanent damage. I just missed that, as my (new, just saw him for this) dentist pushed to get me in the day he saw me, last slot of the day, and my cheek/gums were indeed starting to go numb that day. They got it out & treated in time, but that was scary. :grouphug: Clove oil will help numb it but if it's infected/in severe pain, I'd try to get in sooner or see a regular dentist (tell them it's an emergency) & they can pull some strings.




I just got back from an emergency extraction. I went to my kids pediatric dentist for a recommendation and he called someone he uses. Went to this oral surgeon and they pulled it right then and there. I couldn't get in with anyone today but thanks to the kids dentist helping me. Great staff and wonderful doc. Thanks

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