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Thoughts on my schedule appreciated


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My kids usually need a mid-morning break. Also, I found they do best when the subjects alternate in terms of what is expected of them. For example, History and Science usually require them to do a project, listen to me read and possibly watch a video. Math and Language Arts require them to sit still and write. Therefore, I don't put those similar subjects back to back. This kind of alternating can make just doing something different feel like a break.

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Thanks for the thoughts! The reason I didn't really include breaks is I figure they will happen naturally. I doubt many of these sections will last the full 15, and when they don't my boys can excuse themselves. However I liked your idea about alternating some subjects to give a sense of breaking things up. Well noted, thanks!

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Some thoughts:


1) You have no breaks, apart from lunch. My kids appreciate being able to rush outside for half an hour or so, even when it's raining, and I appreciate the temporary peace. ;)


2) Can you get lunch on the table, eaten, and cleared up, in half an hour? I usually need 15-30m to get it ready, 30m to eat, and 30m to clean up.


3) This is a personal thing, but we've been more successful in our schooling when I've allowed more time per subject, but done it on less days. DD11, DD9 and DS6 do math every day, DD9 does handwriting every day, and DS6 does either spelling or phonics every day, but most other things get done once or twice a week in large chunks. Things like History and Science are much looked forward to in our house and they love that they have 2hrs+ at a stretch to really get into it.


4) Total shot in the dark - are your boys involved with housework in any way? To my way of thinking, such learning is as important as the academics. If my children leave home not knowing how to run one, I will consider myself to have failed them in this area. I got married without knowing a thing about running a house and I do so wish that my mum had taught me the basics of cleaning, cooking, and home organisation.



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I don't put a time limit on anything other then when we start. This year we will start at 9:30 am and break for lunch around 11:30-noon. In that time I hope to accomplish Math, LA, Spelling and Writing. My daughter is six and can do Spelling and Writing by herself so that gives me time to get lunch ready. If not, then we will pick up whre we left off before lunch. After lunch we will work on History or Science, Music, Art or what ever else I have planned. Our day ends around 2pm but a lot of times it's even earlier.


My older daughter (almost 16) works independently and is very good about getting all her work done. I don't have a timed schedule for her at all, she knows what she has to do and she does it. There are times she will wait until afternoon, or even after dinner to get her work done.

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Seems like a very long day with very little breaks or free time. Lunch is only a half hour even which doesn't even leave time for a real "recess" or something. Everything is so strictly scheduled- when do they just get to do their own thing and make their own choices? I think that sort of day would be exhausting for my 10 year old (and me).

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