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E Collar for Dogs?

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So far as I know e-collars are used exclusively to stop animals who are licking or otherwise worrying at a wound or stitches.


My dog was so terrified of the e-collar that she just stood there shaking with a mother-lode of drool pouring out of her mouth. We had to take it off and get her an inflatable collar instead.





Okay, now I see that e-collar is also used to mean electric collars, not just the cone-of-shame.


Edited by AngieW in Texas
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My husband uses one for training hunting dogs. You really have to know what you're doing to do this; it's not punishment in this case, it's training.


We have also used it around the house to discourage bad habits, like leaping over the fence to eat the neighbors garbage or getting into the trash can in the house. In this case, the dog learns that he gets a mild shock when he commits an infraction. You can crank up the shock level if you have a hard-headed dog, but our current dog needs only a low level. The shock is uncomfortable, not painful. (Yes, we tried it on ourselves first.)


Sometimes, if you have a clever dog, he will get collar-smart, and realize you only have power over his behavior when the funny collar is on. But if you don't overuse the collar, the dog will probably not catch on.


Hope this helps.

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