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schedule/tracking question


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If you keep track of hours do you count independent reading towards your school hours?


My son loves to read and always has a book in progress so I've never assigned any books or literature during school. I just provide a wide variety of books for him, including classics, and he reads on his own. I don't want to ruin that by assigning him books. I'm on the fence about if I should be counting the time he spends reading toward our hours.

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Why wouldn't you? Reading is educational and a standard school subject. Here in PA we're supposed to "count" days OR hours. I don't technically "count" either- I trust that my kids are learning something and/or doing something educational 365 days a year, so I figure we've got it covered no matter what. But if I were going to "count hours" I absolutely would count independent reading time, among other things.

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Yes, I do count independent reading. One exception is that I don't usually count reading at bedtime. Mostly because I just don't remember to keep track. But, if he is working on a reading incentive he can count bedtime reading and he keeps track of that on his own.

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