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Anyone used TOG Classic AND Redesigned?


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This fall will be my 2nd year of hs. I will be working with ds 4th, dd 2nd, dd K (I also have a 3yo & 1yo). This previous year I made my own history based curriculum & it was too hard. This next year I would like to use TOG Yr1. I found a great deal on a Classic version (already purchased), but I am wondering if I should "upgrade" to Redesigned? I am not affraid of a little work. In fact, I will likely adapt things as I go anyway. I just cannot spend the 6+ hours it took weekly this past year for preparation. Money is tight, but time is money! I'll gladly pay more if I can spend less time preparing and more time teaching. I would like an honest opinion on what YOU would do. Thank you.

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The classic worked well for years and got rave reviews here. It must not have been that bad, right?


Seriously, I used both. I would think you will notice the changes in the higher grades really. You should be just fine.


I just sold my classic year 2 for $70 with map aids. I see it's WAAAY more than that for redesign. Are the changes worth it? That's debateable.


I don't think you'll be displeased necessarily - just buy it and put the redesign out of your mind. One good thing - people aren't necessarily looking for classic recommendations anymore so you may be able to find them more easily now - not sure. Some of them though, may be out of print and unavailable but those will be very few. Our library had almost all of the classic books whereas I had to buy quite a few redesign suggestions so that may save more too.

Best wishes.

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