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How many United Streaming or DVD's do you

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You know, I honestly try not to watch any. I do think there's a lot to the argument about television/videos being mentally passive. However, my dd is so incredibly visual that I have realized the few videos that we have watched have made a big impact - nothing like watching footage of a volcano erupting to really capture their attention and really help them get it.


So now when I wrote our science curriculum for next year and I picked a few videos to sprinkle through the year. My husband laughed at me because I was watching kids science videos every night after the kids went to bed to preview/pick. :001_rolleyes:

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We watch the Elementary Spanish on Discovery Streaming 2x per week. At the start of the year we were also averaging 4 or 5 per month to supplement our history and/or Spanish. As the year has worn on, I haven't taken the time to search and preview videos like I should. We have really under-utilized DS this year. I am hoping to do better next year.


I will add that my kids watch *very* little tv so this is a real treat for them! They squeal with delight when I tell them they get to watch a 20 minute video on earthquakes or cloud formations! :D

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