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Advice on daily schedule


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I am looking for advice from all you experienced moms about changing our daily schedule.


Right now the kids get up about 8am and we work on school off and on all day until the late afternoon. (my boys need lots of play breaks) Then bedtime is at around 8:30 - 9pm.


I would like to see us get up earlier because on the days that we do, we get sooooo much more accomplished. My dh leaves for work about 7am so I was thinking about getting the boys up at around that time. This way they could see dad before he left.


Unfortunately, ds9 is not an early riser and I know this would be difficult for him. My thoughts are maybe I could change our schedule slowly over time?


Has anyone had a late sleeper and was able to accomplish getting them up earlier? It is worth trying or should I forget it?




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How about a few days with a full cooked breakfast. It would need preparing maybe the night before. I know our two leap out of bed for something like this. Maybe pancakes with maple syrup, waffles, sausages and ham; something that you know is a treat for them.

Try writing down your schedule - based on what you know works for your children. Allow for breaks and snacks. We put in a large elevenses and we now work until about 1.30 sometimes longer if we are getting engrossed. This leaves us free after lunch to do just science and go on our long walk (4 miles there and back) to the swimming pool. Our two are older and so I am sure you wouldn't want a schedule as intense as this. Play breaks are most definitely learning at their age.

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I never thought of bribing with food! Right now we have pancakes usually every morning but I am sure I can come up with something they love!




okay, really, pancakes every morning ? WOW, please don't tell my kids - they might try to move to your house, pancakes around here are reserved for only days when daddy is off :)

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We have a late sleeper... my youngest. She would sleep all day if I let her... she and I, along with her brother are all the same... we are not mroning people... I doubt we ever will be. *Ü*


However, I can get up early, I just loath it! lol Part of RyLees character training is getting out of bed, w/o groaning or being snappy.... the earler we start, the earlier we are done with school, and we school all day already.


With Ry I have been getting her up 10 minutes earler a week. We are at 7:20 woohoo! The goal is 6:30 and ready for school by 7:30/ 7:45 when dad leaves for work. He goes to work, we go to work. *Ü*


My goal is 5:30... right now I am getting up around 6:00-6:15. I have a little ways to go... but I love my sleep and the slight change hasnt been to noticable each week.


I tried to go cold turkey and get up, but I found my self hitting snooze and feeling bad about that.... not sure why the mentality changed with 10 minute change a week... but its going fine. Although I have woken up wide eyed a few times this week at 5:00 and 5:30.... so I went with it... I wasnt tired so I forced myself... but, that was only a few times! lol


Hope you find what works...

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How about a few days with a full cooked breakfast. It would need preparing maybe the night before. I know our two leap out of bed for something like this. Maybe pancakes with maple syrup, waffles, sausages and ham; something that you know is a treat for them.


A hot breakfast is a sure-fire way to get mine out of bed! I just have to be sure not to eat very much, or I'm ready to snooze afterwards.

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