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Question for TOG Year 2 Users . . . Which spine do you prefer?


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I have two students that will be in Dialectic level this year, with one sometimes using Upper Grammar. I've been reading through the History Core, History In-Depth, and Supplemental History reading assignments to get a feel for how much reading is required each week.


My question is this: Did you "like" using the H.E. Marshall books (The Story of Europe, An Island Story)? I've read on some message boards that these were not favorites. I own a copy of Christine Miller's The Story of the Middle Ages that uses Guerber's books, and I had planned to use it as a spine until I took the plunge to try TOG. Now I'm confused about how best to use TOG with so many great classic texts to choose from. I REALLY don't want to beat myself to death trying to rearrange TOG's choices to fit a book I already have unless it's a real winner.


I've spent the whole spring and summer to this point trying to choose between using TOG fully (which means it consumes a lot of our day) and using Ambleside Online (which shares a lot of TOG's book choices), or going REAL simple with Memoria Press Famous Men of the Middle Ages set and streamlining history to allow more time for other areas in our school---science, art, nature study---the things we never seem to have time to do well.


We are moving into our 2nd year of Latin study, and since the kids have wanted to learn Greek, we are adding that as well, so this will be a BIG chunk of time out of our day. The Latin focus is a keeper for me since I've re-read The Latin-Centered Curriculum and the recent articles on Latin/Math from Memoria Press.


Bottom line is that I always find myself wanting to do too much! I need some help! My dd is going into 7th this year, and I really want to challenge her for serious studies in high school, but it is so hard for me to choose a track and stick with it because there are so many great things out there! I think I can manage math, language arts, logic, but choosing for history really has me stumped.


Thanks, in advance, for your suggestions!

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We used the Marshall books and my daughter really enjoyed them. That year we also participated in a virtual co-op and she did quite well.


IMHO the Tapestry teacher notes, glances into next week, discussion guides, etc. really do a great job of pointing out potential issues, author bias, possible questions for thinking things through, and so on. The Tapestry authors have truly put quite a bit of thought into the book assignments, the accountability and thinking questions, and the corresponding discussion guides.


It IS easy to try and do too much. Year 2 is also very content-packed. However, my dd was 11 yo/6th grade when she did the D level of yr 2 and handled it very well. She enjoyed the challenge, the discussions, and pretty much everything else.



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We used the Marshall books and my daughter really enjoyed them. That year we also participated in a virtual co-op and she did quite well.


IMHO the Tapestry teacher notes, glances into next week, discussion guides, etc. really do a great job of pointing out potential issues, author bias, possible questions for thinking things through, and so on. The Tapestry authors have truly put quite a bit of thought into the book assignments, the accountability and thinking questions, and the corresponding discussion guides.


It IS easy to try and do too much. Year 2 is also very content-packed. However, my dd was 11 yo/6th grade when she did the D level of yr 2 and handled it very well. She enjoyed the challenge, the discussions, and pretty much everything else.




Although we have not been doing a virtual co-op, I agree with Rennaissance Mom. We are splitting YR-2 over two years at D level for my dd, and so far she's doing well with the Marshal books. I also throw in some alternate reading from SOTW off and on, depending on the workload for each week.


As a side note, dd will also be doing some outlining from Kingfisher as part of her composition beginning this year, and I will be pairing that up with the TOG lessons. I believe that this will enhance what she learns from the core history reading. (Btw, although I do like TOG writing lessons, we are going to be switching over to TWTM composition methods. She'll be in WWS and ALL beginning this year as well.)




Edited by HSMom2One
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