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Planets for Preschoolers

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I've got a almost-4 year old who is FASCINATED with planets right now.


Any ideas of where to go from here.


We have a First encyclopedia that he is constantly opening to the planets page and reciting over and over the little facts on the page. Plus we have the DVD Field Trip to the Planets. I think I want to check out more books on planets (So he'll have more information to repeat. "Mercury is number 1, Mercury is closest to the sun. Venus is number 2, yes its true. Earth is number 3, home is what she'll always be....") Any recommendations for stuff that is at a 4-year old level?


Particularly something that covers the moons, etc. He's fascinated by the factoid that Saturn has *18* moons and keeps wanting to count to 18 (Good thing! I'd been trying to figure out how to get him to count above 10 more regularly)

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I was kind of hoping you were going to see if there were any planets we could ship preschoolers off to. ;)


:lol: That's the kind of day I'm having. Actually they are being really good, but art and sensory activities make me irritable on my best day.


DS learned many dinosaur names from one of those board books with the freaky rolling plastic eyes in the middle. We checked one out of the library recently about fish. Perhaps there is a book like that for planets?

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When my 4-yr-old ds was planet crazy -- even to the tune of proposing to some adults at church that we set up a bakery and sell planet-shaped cookies -- we supplied him with books by Seymour Simon. Here is his website:




Your public library should have some of his titles; your bookstore ought to carry some, too. (Used to, at any rate.)

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