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US Geography for fourth grade

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What things do you think are important for a fourth grader to know, regarding US Geography? I want her to know enough that she can picture where a lot of things are when she hears/reads about them, but not so much detail that things get overly tedious.


So far, we have on the list:

-location of all 50 states and DC, plus knowledge of all the state capitals

-general US regions (New England, southeast, etc.) and their general climates

-Rockies and Appalachians

-Mississippi and Rio Grande Rivers (and several of the PA rivers)

-Great Lakes

-Great Salt Lake

-Lake Okeechobee

-Cape Cod, Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard

-Delmarva Peninsula, Chesapeake Bay (these are personally important to us)

-Gulf of Mexico

-Long Island

-Outer Banks


-Mt. St. Helen's

-Mt. McKinley

-FL Keys

-George's Bank

-Continental Shelf

-Caribbean islands

-Puerto Rico

-Pike's Peak

-Mount Rushmore

-Mount Washington (because we've been there)

-Erie Canal


I'm mostly familiar with the east coast, specifically the middle and northern parts, so I'd particularly like to hear from those in other parts of the country. What do you feel are the important geographical features of your area?

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Grand Canyon, Colorado River, Sierra Nevadas, Death Valley, Columbia River all come to mind. (Can you tell I live in the West?) :)


Yes, and I am so glad for your input -- thank you! This is just the sort of thing I wanted!


(For the benefit of anyone who might ever search for similar things, sheppardsoftware.com has some very nice geography games on it, for several levels. I think they will be very useful to us in reviewing geographical features.)

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