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CalorieKing, Dietbites... anyone ever tried these weight loss plans?

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Well, I want to lose some weight... actually a lot. I need to lose anywhere from 60-80 pounds. I joined WW online, but I haven't quite figured out the new plan yet with the PointsPlus plan & honestly haven't taken the time needed to learn everything yet.


My sister called me today and said that she just began calorie counting last Friday and has already lost 7 pounds! :) She was also doing WW online, but had no luck. However, she said this is so much easier for her & she is seeing results. She is exercising each day for about twenty minutes too.


She gave me a few websites to look at if I wanted. She is not following these, but I was curious to see if anyone had ever heard of them or followed their plans. If so, how did it work out?


Also, can anyone recommend a great multi-vitamin that doesn't cost a fortune or make you sick?


Thanks! Everyone have a great day! :)

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Hahaha! Well, I decided to check on this thread this morning only to find that obviously nobody has ever heard of these sites. LOL! Maybe I will try one of them out so that I can share with others. :)


By the way, does anyone have a recommendation for a great mulit-vitamin??? One that doesn't make you sick or cost a fortune.


Thanks and have a great Saturday! :)

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