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If you use Biblioplan, how do you


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organize all the E-books once you've printed them? Do you keep each book separate, or do you organize them by week or unit?


I'm going to be using Ancients with a 3rd grader (ds) and 9th grader (dd). I do the yearly filing system for my ds, and a yearly plan on paper for my dd. I could do a separate file system for just the history, but I'm not sure if these books will be better kept together.


Thanks for sharing!

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Well, you can take this with a grain of salt, since I haven't actually started using it yet LOL, but the way I set it up was sorted by weeks. It made no sense to me to have a maps binder, and a cool history binder, etc, all separated. So, I just put the lesson plan for the week on the first page, then the Companion info after that, then the Cool History info (both middle and littles). These are all things I picture myself teaching from, not handing to the child. I then made a separate binder with the maps and coloring pages because those will go to the kids. Like I said, I haven't actually started yet (will begin teaching it Aug 2), but this is the way I thought would work best for me.

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It made no sense to me to have a maps binder, and a cool history binder, etc, all separated.


Like I said, I haven't actually started yet (will begin teaching it Aug 2), but this is the way I thought would work best for me.


I was feeling the same way about separate binders after I had it all put in place. I am going to have a 9th grader who will be doing the unit exams, though, so I know it will need to stay together for studying. I'm thinking of filing it all by week, then place the pages back into binders in sequential order.


We start August 2nd, too. I'm curious as to why you are starting on a Tuesday. We are because dh is a public school teacher, and that is his first day back for pre-planning. I hope it goes well for us both this year!

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I buy the SL tabs (since they have 36 weeks - can't find them anywhere else!) and use one binder with everything divided by week. It works great for me and keeps everything together so there is less fumbling/searching/copying when it is time to DO school. :D


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My BP is still en route to me... I ordered hardcopies of it all. There won't be a CD with ebooks included in that, will there? My current computer setup is not ebook friendly. I also don't want to print all of that on my inkjet. Is this only with the download or hardcopy/download combo?

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We start August 2nd, too. I'm curious as to why you are starting on a Tuesday. We are because dh is a public school teacher, and that is his first day back for pre-planning. I hope it goes well for us both this year!


Haha! We don't lol. We actually start Aug 1st. I was looking at a calendar that started on monday instead of sunday and it screwed me up lol.

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My BP is still en route to me... I ordered hardcopies of it all. There won't be a CD with ebooks included in that, will there? My current computer setup is not ebook friendly. I also don't want to print all of that on my inkjet. Is this only with the download or hardcopy/download combo?


I assume if you order hard copies, you wouldn't get e-books. I purchased them because I wasn't sure if I needed it all, and I knew of a cheap source for printing. Our UPS store allows you to pre-purchase copies for as low as $.04 each.


I was able to print several for just the difference in the Companion hard copy and e-book.

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Well, I found out the answer to my question today because my BP arrived. All hardcopies. Now if only they had mailed me the Ancients set I ordered and not Early American... Their customer service so far has been impeccable; I can't imagine it won't be remedied right away. (knock on wood)

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Well, I found out the answer to my question today because my BP arrived. All hardcopies. Now if only they had mailed me the Ancients set I ordered and not Early American... Their customer service so far has been impeccable; I can't imagine it won't be remedied right away. (knock on wood)


I'm so sorry. That's got to be disappointing! Their service has been wonderful, so I bet it will be taken care of right away.

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Here is a response I got in the BP Yahoo Group. It's not a very active group. I hope that will improve. Last night I filed the first unit by the week. I'm going to try that since weekly filing has worked so well with my son's materials. I'm still trying to figure out how I want to put together notebooks for them. I've never been good at doing that, and I'd love to do it since we are starting a 4 year cycle.




Last year I organized all of the materials, Guide, Companion, Cool History, Maps, Timeline and Craft Book, in one big binder with each section separated with a tabbed divider. Each of my older children has a 3 prong folder that holds their weekly lesson plans for core subjects and a separate lesson plan for Bible, History and Geography, all the subjects we do together, along with their Cool History and maps these went in the front pocket. I put typed the BP work onto the lesson plan so I never pulled it from the binder but we would take out the Companion and put a sticky tab on the page that came after the one we pulled in order to make it easy to find its place when returning it. Because there are no page numbers it sometime got confusing finding the correct place to put it. Each child also has a 3-ring binder for History and they would put their completed Cool Histories and Maps in them. I know things will have to be a little different next

year since the Cool History is now in three different grade levels (which I think is awesome!)

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I'm so sorry. That's got to be disappointing! Their service has been wonderful, so I bet it will be taken care of right away.


Guess what!?! They did take care of it in just one day! They sent ebooks of the Ancients I was supposed to get so that I can begin locating & gathering books from the reading lists, and they're sending hardcopies of it all via Priority mail, and they said to just keep the incorrect set I have now. Wow! They really have uncommonly impeccable service.

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OP, Amy, now that I've been able to look at my whole BP, I'm going to sort most of it by week in a huge 3-ring binder. I used WP AS1 a couple years ago and that's how it was set up, so I guess it's what I'm used to. I'll start with the main BP guide (the one w/ the schedule grid), with each week "tabbed" & numbered using those Post-It flags - so I can flip straight to any week. Then, any maps, activity pages, student pages, and even any extras I find to go with anything for that week will go behind (or get jotted down on) that week's schedule grid, including library lists and shopping lists for project materials. I probably won't do this with the Companion since it's more like a book.

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