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Before FIAR vs. Story Stretchers


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Hi everyone, I'm going to be teaching a preschool-age homeschool co-op class that has 10 children from the 2-4 year old range. I was thinking of doing Before FIAR but also noticed there is another curriculum called Story S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-R-S that has a similar idea: it builds a lesson around a specific book.


If you have seen both curriculums, which one do you prefer, and why? Keep in mind I am looking for the best curriculum for the younger age range. Thanks for your input!

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I haven't seen Story Stretchers, but I do own BFIAR. BFIAR was written and meant to be used with a young crowd, such as 2-3 year olds. You could easily use it with 4 year olds as well, but it's very different from FIAR.


It wasn't meant to be a curriculum, but rather a collection of things you can do with your little one to enjoy the story. When I first received it I was a little disappointed, because I didn't really know that. It was, however, perfect for a 2 year old to do one or 2 activities in a setting. It would greatly depend on the wiggly"ness" of your child.


In your situation would it work? It would probably depend on what your goal was with the co-op class. Would you like to do a few fun things.. arts, crafts, etc. then yes it would work I can't, unfortunately, compare it with the other one though because I've never seen it.


Someone here, not that long ago, compared BFIAR to another curriculum, maybe it's the one you mentioned? Either way maybe they'll see your thread and chime in!

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I have both. I taught preschool for many years before I had children and I often used Story Stretchers. I would check your library to see if they have it so you can look at it see if you like it. Many libraries have it. I used BFIAR with my daughter last summer when she was 4. Many of the books used are the same so when I made my plans I took ideas from both books. I found that the ideas in Story Stretchers, and More Story Stretchers did not work at well at home as they did in the classroom situation. I would imagine Story Stretchers would work well for a co-op. If I remember correctly there is also a version of Story Stretchers for Toddlers that may be better for the younger end of your group but I have not seen that so I may be wrong. Also, when I used Story Stretchers I used it with 3 and 4 yr olds. I hope this helps.

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The Story Stretchers book that I have only has 3 ideas for each book...which ends up not being enough especially if 1 or 2 of the ideas are not something I want to do. BFIAR has a lot of ideas for each group plus has the second section that has lots of general preschool ideas.

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