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Pertussis epidemic caused by vaccines?

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And I'd argue, further reason for the rest of us to vaccinate our kids. Some people can't be vaccinated so by vaccinating my kids who have no problems with the vaccines, I'm helping to protect yours.

But sadly, mine had to suffer the ill effects of vaccines (fortunately, he didn't die) before we knew that he was one who shouldn't be vaccinated.

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All three of my children were vaccinated against pertussis. They ALL three just got over having "Whooping Cough". Their pedi said it couldn't be that because they had been vaccinated. Uh yeah, that's what it was thanks. So I don't think it is the un-vaccinated at fault at ALL. I hate that the mentality is that if you've been vaccinated you're covered. That's just not true. It's a preventive measure which is why we vaccinate, but it's not 100% foolproof.

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With respect to the Mexican immigrant issue, IIRC one of the issues raised was the overcrowded housing, etc. that many immigrant farm worker families are housed in . That close contact makes it easy for the disease to spread from person to person. I don't think it was as much related to their country of origin as it was to their living conditions.

Edited by Momof3littles
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