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I caused a slight ruckus at the pediatricians office.

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Maybe it is a different law, not HIPPA? She said it was only reproductive and mental health that was confidential. I know that kids can get abortions and birth control without their parent's knowledge or consent.

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My oldest is only seven, but our Ped has never mentioned that we would not be in the exams when our children are older. He always says, he trusts our opinions and evaluations of our children as they are our children. He will discuss anything from circumcision-vaccines, give his advice and then not question us again when we make our decisions. He's even moved our oldest to a every two year well child exam as he has always been completely healthy and told us just to call when/if we have questions or concerns. After reading some of these threads I feel very blessed by our Ped.


As a teenager, I saw a new Ped, she asked my mom to leave, I told my mom to say. She said we needed to discuss personal things, I said there was nothing that I couldn't discuss with my mother present and that she was staying. I was actually becoming scared of the DR. My mom, did stay and I was completely honest, yes I was a total good girl, even though, I knew the Dr thought I was lying:tongue_smilie:.

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The PP said it perfectly, regarding HIPPAA not applying prior to 18 other than pregnancy or mental health, so I'll leave that part at that.


As for any doctor telling me to leave the room-- I would promptly reply-- "Ever heard of "DR" Earl Bradley from Delaware? I'm not going ANYWHERE!" (Don't Google that one unless you have a very strong stomach. But your pediatrician will know and will cease fighting instantly). GOOD FOR YOU to the PP for standing up so well and getting clarification on their policy and where you stand.


In terms of our family doc-- I cannot imagine our doc not knowing about any of my child's conditions. I fired the kids' pediatrician specifically because she not only was not knowledgeable about my son's condition; she refused to become educated about it, a disorder that affects 1/500 live births and 1/667 males. Our current physician is our trusted partner in health care (and would never require me to leave during an exam, particularly a sensitive one, which would not be performed unless it was required-- which around puberty, it is, as not all children progress completely through puberty, and they may not always tell Mom and Dad, no matter how close you think you are. Kids get embarrassed-- or may not be completely informed, no matter how well you tried to educate them).


In terms of well-visits-- doctors can catch things that you would have no idea about. PP's have pointed this out left and right.


Vaccinations-- oooooish. major soapbox issue there. Maybe I better stay off of it :X. I doubt anything I have to say here will change the mind of anyone who has decided against them anyway. It'll just start a pointless argument.



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