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Spanish for the summer


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We're just finishing up Getting Started with Spanish with my 13yo, 8yo, and 7yo. The 13yo will be doing Visual Link Spanish I in the autumn, and the two younger kids will do La Clase Divertida. We've got about 8 weeks of break, and I don't want them to forget everything they've learned during that time. What fun things could I do with them to keep their vocabulary fresh. I don't want something that feels academic, and I don't have money to buy anything. I'll make flashcards, and I'm hoping to make some sort of game. Any ideas for a game or fun thing to help reinforce Spanish vocabulary?

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watching videos and dvds are an excellent idea.


Also, I got a CD from my library called Baby Speaks Spanish. This is my Summer Spanish curriculum. It is little Spanish nursery rhymes. It is for a little baby. However, the ideas are perfect in helping anyone whether you are a baby or an adult. I mean my children know how to say, "I play the violin" in Spanish. They actually play the violin. The thing I notice with nursery rhymes is there are words repeated. After a while, the children are saying this word or phrase and not realizing they have picked up Spanish. Repeating the CD over and over at bedtime helps too.





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