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What book did you use to learn....

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Well, a book that is geared to help you as teacher learn how to teach writing to your children is The Writer's Jungle (www.bravewriter.com). And she has awesome quotes in the sidebars from books by writers for writers. A favorite of mine is Writing With Power (or any book by Peter Elbow). TWJ is a great book to learn about writing for you too though. Read some of the articles & her blog & the sample on her site to see if it might be your style.


I took an online class from them this spring on teaching Copywork & Dictation and learned tons! I always knew these were beneficial, but wow, I feel equipped to develop my own LA from these now.


Merry :-)

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Composition in the Classical Tradition by D'Angelo is a great resource for how to write and set up papers. Also, Rhetoric in the Classical Tradition is good for word useage and such.


I have interlibrary loaned both books and found them to be a wealth of information on how to write.:001_smile:

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