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Keep going back and forth on World History

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I'm hoping for a little guidance in this area. I'm trying to set up my classes for next year. My dc will be in 10th and 11th grade and they do the same course work for most everything except math. We did two very comprehensive years of American History and now we plan on doing World History this year. We also will be doing a World Literature class this year. Next year are plans for American Government and Economic to tie in with the election and our Accounting class.


My issue is I can't decide how to handle the World History class. I'm looking at western civilizations and world history. I've looked at a few text such as speilvogel but I'm not sure which way is better or how much of a difference the two courses would be. Is there any World History book you suggest? I'm trying to squeeze as much as I can in one year, but our other classes will be world based so I'm hoping that will work. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks

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What about Notgrass? There are samples on their website.


World History was a hard year, such a long time period to cover. You just can't cover it all. DD and I about killed ourselves trying. I came out of that year saying if I had another dc (I don't) I would just pick a world history text and just do it. Spiegelvel is very long, ours is 1100 pages, I would think you would need two years to do it.

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well, looking into it, I think we decided to go with A Human Odyssey as the spine of our class. It's not like the dc haven't done world history. Just not on a high school level. We like to use different books to help add to our history and will be going to museums, watching documentaries, and doing other world classes. Thank you for your input.

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My ds loves a literature approach to history (he hated all of the textbooks I showed him - Streams of Civilization, Western Civilization, and World History a Human Odyssey). I let him read the sample of SWB History of the Medieval World on Amazon and he loved it. Since her book does not cover through the 1500 we will also use BF Sr. Medieal History in the spring (if the third installment is available we will fold it into the mix). I have also picked out some supplements and some great books, classics, historical fiction, poetry, and fun books for corresponding literature.

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We also just came out of two intense years of American History. My plan for high school for ds is:

9th (World History to 1600) Spielvogle World History Glencoe edition (only as a text to follow - we will use a lot of other books and maybe even a Teaching Company lecture course) and will coordinate with literature, art history, and music history. I chose this text because I really liked the syllabus for the Oak Meadow world history. I am extremely impressed by the thoughtful essay questions and cool projects my son will be doing using this syllabus (he is not doing the online class with them, I am just using the syllabus as a guide)

10th first semester- British History and lit; second semester- Modern World Studies and Lit.

11th - American History and literature

12th- American Government/Economics with a Constitutional Law course.


The amount of work in World History is just overwhelming and I really want him to have the time to ask "how does this affect me today?" I also want it to be fun! I remember high school World History as being this massive book that I would read and answer questions out of. I just didn't relate to it and it was BORING. We just skimmed history and I want ds to have more time to explore.


If you just came out of a pretty intense stage of American History, maybe you could slow up a bit and take two years to do World History. Or maybe for your oldest you could do a year and a half of World History and the second half of the year could be American Govt.?? Just a thought.


I feel for you. I agonized over this decision.

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