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Attitudes about higher education?

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This does not mean that they didn't know how to write a thesis....


Actually, in this case, it did! The instructor explained the concept, taking an ideal and narrowing it down to something you can defend, and then giving reasons/evidence to support it. They were blank, zip, clueless. Apparently, none of them had written a persuasive paper before.


The instructor ended up pairing up students later on in the semester, to edit each others papers, and give tips, suggestions, that sort of thing. I got paired up with one of the 2 hs'ers. Let me tell you, it was a good thing she got paired with me, because her rough draft was hideous. Fraught with grammatical errors, and the organization was just...ugh. Bad, bad, bad. I helped her salvage her paper and come out with a "C." She was a smart student, but whatever curriculum her parents followed was pretty poor.

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I think honestly they are better off going to the work force rather than college. DH went to college and he could of just as easily worked his way up the ladder quicker to where he is now, and earned money rather than having a big giant student loan left.


If there doing something specialized like psychiatry then yes, otherwise there are always alternative ways in. What jobs look for is EXPERIENCE not degrees. Many people whom have gotten good degrees end up on SS or homeless because the work for is looking for experience and doesn't want to hire a 25 yr old with a degree, they much rather hire the 18yr old whose keen and eager.


Traineeships or apprenticeships (if they have this sort of thing in the US) are a much much better solution.




I'm sorry but I disagree with everything that you said here. My years in the work world, including being a recruiter and hiring for many many companies, has shown me that the opposite of all of this is true.

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Actually, in this case, it did! The instructor explained the concept, taking an ideal and narrowing it down to something you can defend, and then giving reasons/evidence to support it. They were blank, zip, clueless. Apparently, none of them had written a persuasive paper before.


The instructor ended up pairing up students later on in the semester, to edit each others papers, and give tips, suggestions, that sort of thing. I got paired up with one of the 2 hs'ers. Let me tell you, it was a good thing she got paired with me, because her rough draft was hideous. Fraught with grammatical errors, and the organization was just...ugh. Bad, bad, bad. I helped her salvage her paper and come out with a "C." She was a smart student, but whatever curriculum her parents followed was pretty poor.


Wow...that's really sad. :-( At least you could help.


I'd also like to say that you have the same name as me, spelled the same way, and it makes me happy because that doesn't happen often to me. :-) Sorry for the randomness of that comment, but I felt I couldn't not say it at some point to you.

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Wow...that's really sad. :-( At least you could help.[/Quote]

Yeah, like I said, she was definitely bright. She caught on pretty quickly (I ended up helping her on a few other papers in other classes), she just needed some writing practice (and some help with grammar). This was back in 1995, so I think that curriculum choices have come a long way since then. Can't speak to how the other two students turned out, though!


I'd also like to say that you have the same name as me, spelled the same way, and it makes me happy because that doesn't happen often to me. :-) Sorry for the randomness of that comment, but I felt I couldn't not say it at some point to you.


Well hello there, Other Rebekah. I'd compliment you on your name, but it would seem self-serving. :D


Having worked with the public, I think I've heard every sort of comment about, and mispronunciation of my name. ;) Have you had a similar experience?

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Regardless of any degree, if you have passion, vision and a darn good work ethic... you will find your way to success.


Many of our richest people to day were dropouts (Gates, Limbaugh, etc). But it is hard work and you must have focus and good ambition.


DH's sister went to beauty school - she cuts hair and is really good - she has flexibility and great hours. She meets exciting people and strange people - so I know her days are interesting!:) She owns her own business and makes more money than my DH... who is an engineer and works in a cubicle.


Also, if a kid doesn't know what they want to do... sometimes getting a job and going through the school of hard knocks for a while will help them find their way or motivation to go back to school and pursue a new direction.


College doesn't mean success... folks just like to think it does.:glare:

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Well hello there, Other Rebekah. I'd compliment you on your name, but it would seem self-serving. :D


Having worked with the public, I think I've heard every sort of comment about, and mispronunciation of my name. ;) Have you had a similar experience?


Oh yes, people seem to think that the name is very unusual. lol I even have family members that still spell it wrong. It's even worse with my middle name Anna (On-ah). I just tell them that it is Hebrew and that seems to get me a quick nod and change of subject from most people. Are they scared of Jewish things? :-P I think the name is quite beautiful myself and, unlike other children, I never wanted to change it. I am always excited to share the joy of having the name Rebekah when I find someone else with the name....though people have often considered me weird for that. ;-)

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