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Anyone here run or is part of a Lego Club? I am thinking of starting one this fall so my boys can meet other kids. My boys are 12 and 9 and still love legos. I have never done anything like this so I am open to suggestions and comments. Please feel free to comment even if you don't belong to one and have a suggestion. I am not sure if we should keep it open to all kid or hs kids only. Thanks!:001_smile:

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Our homeschool group has a Lego Club (for awhile it was every 2 weeks - now it's once a month).


We meet at the library. Our library has community rooms that they allow the general public to book for free (generally have to book at least 2 weeks in advance to get one of the larger rooms). We book the room for 2 hours, and the kids generally spend the first hour actively working with their legos and the second hour doing a combination of things (some of the younger kids tend to get antsy in the second hour, so we've found it's good to have a bigger room where they can run around a bit if needed). In addition to legos, kids bring duplos, bionicles and other building materials.


It's been a lot of fun! :)

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I am the leader of a Lego Club through our local 4-H. We meet at the extension office.

We meet for 1.5 hours one afternoon a month. I supply the Legos (they belong to my ds) and the kids can bring something they have built at home. I also try to bring some books and magazines we have related to Legos.

We start the meeting by letting them "show and tell" their personal creations. Then we set those aside on a separate table and open up the boxes of our Legos. They have free time to play and build whatever they want. Often they will pair up and work on projects together. Then at the end I have them share and explain what they have built. I allow 5 to 10 minutes for clean-up at the end.

We usually have 12 to 15 participants at a meeting, boys and girls, homeschooled and not.

My main role is to bring the Legos, help kids find pieces they are looking for and just watch. They don't need any instruction, they seem happy to just build.

I do have a couple of rules developed from experience: listen and be quiet while others are sharing, no play fighting or battles (too many hurt feelings) and do not put the Legos in your mouth. :)


HTH. I have really enjoyed being a Lego Club leader.

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