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I didn't get good news. :(

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Well, things stayed status quo with me over the weekend. I spent some time feeling sorry for myself and I spent some time trying to distract myself and just focus on the kids I DO have and staying positive that I will be able to conceive again and that I just have to get through this and so on.


Today I would be 5 weeks pregnant. I went for the ultrasound but because it is still so early and my HCG levels so low it was still hard for them to rule anything in or out definitively with regard to an ectopic pregnancy (even though they didn't see anything that might indicate it IS ectopic).


They drew blood one more time (one of my arms is so bruised from all the recent bloodwork so I made them use the other) so that they can check the HCG levels one last time. They should call me sometime this afternoon with those results.


At this point, we already know it's not a viable pregnancy, they just want to try to determine whether it's ectopic. If the levels are hovering around where they were last week, that could be an indication that it is ectopic. I would go to the hospital (probably this evening) and they would give me a shot of some sort of medication... I forget the name of it now. But it would basically end the pregnancy, stop anything from growing, my body would absorb the pregnancy for the most part, there may be some period-like bleeding, and then that would be that. I would wait til I got my next normal period after that, and then could start trying again.


If the levels are dropping, then that could be an indication that the pregnancy was forming in the uterus and that my body was beginning the process of miscarrying naturally. They said I could either wait it out and in the meanwhile they'd keep drawing blood every 2-3 days to monitor my HCG levels and make sure they keep dropping and just wait til I miscarry naturally. Or they could give me the shot anyway if I wanted them to.


I am inclined to get the shot either way. I don't want to drag this out anymore...emotionally it is hard, I don't want to go through more repeated blood tests and phone calls and waiting periods to see what's going on with my body. I also want it over with as soon as possible so things can get back to normal and I can try again.


Being 38 I'm in a bit more of a rush to conceive quickly than I might have been if I were 10 years younger.


So. That is where things stand now. I'll get the blood test results later today, probably end up at the hospital to get that shot of medication sometime this evening, and wait for everything to just... end.


I go back for a follow up appointment with the doctor in two weeks.

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I had an ectopic pregnancy that was treated surgery and then with methotrexate because the surgery didn't get it all. If you do end up going with the shot, you need to know that you can't conceive for 3 months after the shot. The shot can cause all sorts of defects if it's still in your system when you conceive.


Also, methotrexate is a chemotherapy drug and has some side effects - nausea, hair loss, mouth sores from skin peeling, etc. I was terribly sick after getting it for about 36 hours (like couldn't turn my head without puking or sit up). I also lost some hair, but it grew back fairly quickly.


I'm sorry you're going through this.

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I had an ectopic pregnancy that was treated surgery and then with methotrexate because the surgery didn't get it all. If you do end up going with the shot, you need to know that you can't conceive for 3 months after the shot. The shot can cause all sorts of defects if it's still in your system when you conceive.


Also, methotrexate is a chemotherapy drug and has some side effects - nausea, hair loss, mouth sores from skin peeling, etc. I was terribly sick after getting it for about 36 hours (like couldn't turn my head without puking or sit up). I also lost some hair, but it grew back fairly quickly.


I'm sorry you're going through this.


Ugh, really? Now I don't know what to think. I asked the doctor today if there would be any side effects and she said no, not from a one time "use" of the medication.


I had also asked her if I could start trying to conceive again when I got my next normal period and she said yes.


ETA: I've been doing some googling, it said that abdominal cramps, bleeding, and nauseau and/or dizziness could be more common side effects. it said stuff like hair loss etc is much more rare, especially with one time use of the shot.


I read that some doctors say it's okay to TTC again with the next cycle, while other doctors do say to wait three months because of the fact that it depletes your folic acid...


Now I just don't know what to do, I feel really anxious right now. If the levels aren't dropping and it might be ectopic, I don't have a lot of choice...I need to try to stop the pregnancy ASAP so I don't end up with a ruptured tube or something! And the dr. feels that for someone who wants to TTC again after, the medication is less risk than surgery.


But if the levels ARE dropping... I don't know what to do now. I thought to get the shot anyway and just get this over with ASAP but maybe I should just see if it happens naturally and let them keep checking my HCG etc and see if it drops down to zero and happens naturally? I am going to have to talk to them again or something, I want to go with whichever gives me the best shot of being able to safely TTC again as soon as possible... this situation sucks!

Edited by NanceXToo
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