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Pen pals for my boys (anyone else battling cancer in your family?)

Guest CathyDiezLuckie

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Guest CathyDiezLuckie


I have two boys (both age 10). While their 12 yo sister has several friends that she writes to, my boys do not. We homeschool and live in Oakland, CA. The boys like acting out stories (we are reading Lord of the Rings now), playing with cars, trucks, and helping their dad when he is up to needing help with anything.


My husband was diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme two years ago and just had a recurrent tumor, surgery, and now the tumor is back again after 30 days.


I wondered if there is anyone out there who is going through anything similar with boys my age that would be interested in writing. One of my boys writes to a young man in college now that just lost his father last year to the same illness, but the age difference is great. My other son struggles with writing but he would love to find a pen pal.


Our family is not able to do a lot of things that children without this situation do in their normal life. Dad can't do very much, we are not the "normal" family. More often than not, friends come over and take our children on outings because I can't do it.


I thought I would ask if there is anyone out there with a similar issue.


Best wishes,


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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't have anyone that can help BUT I wonder if you talked to the local Children's hospital if they would have a youth battling cancer that would want a pen pal while they are going to the hospital...I know that my nephew (only 4 so not old enough to be a pen pal) is in the hospital weekly for out patient chemo and monthly in patient for 3 or 4 days...perhaps there is an older child that would want someone to write to that is in that kind of situation? Check with Child Life at the hospital.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Cathy, I recently beat Cancer (knock on wood) and will be starting my first year of HS with my boys, 8 and 10. Coincidentally we're about to start reading the Hobbit together, maybe a good jumping off point as pen pals? Maybe your boys can convince mine The Hobbit will be a fun ride?


Let me know and I'll send you my email.


Take care, and my best to your husband.

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