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Help! My mathy kid seems to be forgetting everything!!


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Just posting to see if I anyone else out there has any similar experiences.


My ds11 (rising 6th), has been using CLE math (through 603) with sporadic MM and SM thrown in. We finished his 5th grade year and have taken a few weeks off, but knew I would review some math over the summer.


This week we started reviewing material he covered and reviewed all of last year. He seems to have forgotten basic fraction concepts (dividing, converting improper fractions, etc.) and decimal multiplication (how to place the decimal in the answer - he wants to line it up like in addition).


It has happened in a few instances, so I quickly go to my "oh no, did I choose the wrong curriculum, what happened to my super mathy kid!!" Clearly we need to stop and review this summer before we start tackling the pre-algebra work next year. Would love words of wisdom -

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Just posting to see if I anyone else out there has any similar experiences.


My ds11 (rising 6th), has been using CLE math (through 603) with sporadic MM and SM thrown in. We finished his 5th grade year and have taken a few weeks off, but knew I would review some math over the summer.


This week we started reviewing material he covered and reviewed all of last year. He seems to have forgotten basic fraction concepts (dividing, converting improper fractions, etc.) and decimal multiplication (how to place the decimal in the answer - he wants to line it up like in addition).


It has happened in a few instances, so I quickly go to my "oh no, did I choose the wrong curriculum, what happened to my super mathy kid!!" Clearly we need to stop and review this summer before we start tackling the pre-algebra work next year. Would love words of wisdom -


They review it all in 701. Can you do that first lightunit slowly all summer to keep him fresh? Honestly, it will come back but I probably wouldn't take the entire summer off.

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Thanks for the thoughts - he definitely is balking at doing math right now and seems to have shut his brain down for the summer. I think i will review different types of problems with him on a whiteboard just to keep it fresh. I just panic when I see my kids aren't "getting" something that I thought they had mastered. This is also reinforcing my choice of a spiral curriculum though, as he clearly needs somewhat consistent review.


I also agree with the need to challenge him as well, we have LOF fractions which I had shelved, which may be a nice change this summer and reinforce the fractions in a different way.



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When I was teaching public school, I noticed that a lot of kids, even those who are really good in math, don't retain fractions and decimals until 6th or 7th grade (or even 8th). Often the "mathy" kids can figure out how to do the problems they're given without knowing the algorithms (thus, you don't realize that they don't know the methods of performing the operations); but then if they get problems that are a little more difficult, they get confused. If I were in your shoes, I would do a very thorough review of these concepts even if he balks and says that he already knows how to do them (you don't necessarily have to do it this summer, though).

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