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Do they make stamps of the numbers in dotted-line form?


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I don't have ones w/ dotted lines - but mine are "outline" form so that I always had my kids practice tracing inside the form. Does that make sense? I'll couldn't find my set on amazon, but if I find one later today I'll post a link. I purchased mine about 20 years ago though w/ my first dc.

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Thanks!! Dd is doing great at math but the writing is frustrating her, so she's getting mad at the math and wanting to stop due to the writing. I think this will help--she can pick the number & then practice writing it but not feel so pressured to remember it (she keeps writing them backwards).

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You could also use a regular stamp in a light color such as yellow or pink.


Much better idea - we have the dot kind, and my kids tend to "connect the dots" instead of truly learning to write the numbers with smooth strokes.

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I prefer having them trace solid lines instead of dotted lines. It's usually easier for them to see what they've done, and there is no chance of them "connecting the dots", which is incredibly choppy. :)


I use Startwrite and can make whatever I want in whatever size I want. Have you considered that? It's great for copywork in general.


The highlighter idea is a great one too!

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I used this website a lot when my younger daughter was learning to write and such. Also, you mentioned that your daughter is reversing the numbers. This is very common in young ages. I remember teaching a class at church and thinking the children must have some issue the parents should be correcting as they were reversing the numbers. I talked to one of the parents and she said to keep watching and I will notice it will improve and the child would get it right in a few months. This child was in first grade. This mother had been through this with two other children, so she knew what to look for. I did not have experience with this yet, as my daughter was much younger at the time. Anyway, the numbers did correct themselves. I thought I would share this as it is perfectly normal.

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Also, you mentioned that your daughter is reversing the numbers. This is very common in young ages.


:iagree: My newly 7 year old still has very occasional reversal of '3' (did it just recently), though that's mostly outgrown. He's been reversing 'b' and 'd' a bit lately, so I'm going to work on handwriting again to work on that. He wasn't doing it while doing HWT. Usually if I say "Does that look right?", he'll notice right away what's the problem. He'll often notice it himself immediately after writing it without me saying anything. His hand and brain just don't seem to be connected sometimes. :tongue_smilie:

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