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I'm abandoning SL core A (K), will we like HOD? Something else?


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I started to HS my 5.5 year old. The four year old is doing some of the things also. I purchased Sonlight Core A, but I am not loving it. The science is jumping from topic to topic, and the history is also all over the place. I am also not happy with the first grade readers. My son knows letters/sounds and is just starting to sound out words. He has about 30 sight words he knows. But the readers were very contrived and difficult to follow the plot (I use that term loosely of course for any book at this level). The Bible readings are a bit advanced, since I'm trying to do morning devotions with all the children and not just the 5 year old (other children are 4, 2, and 1) I love the books that go with the SL program though. They are quality literature!


Here is what we are doing that we love:

Singapore Math 1a and Miquon orange

Nature Study


Explode the Code 1

Learn to Read in 100 easy lessons

A Reason for Handwriting K

Read alouds from Sonlight

Scripture memory songs


I really would like to add in some history. I was thinking maybe we would like HOD better for kindergarten?


I have also considered doing Sonlight 4/5 instead. Maybe the history is better?


Do I really need to do science for K? Is doing Nature study and just reading informational books enough?


I am nervous to spend more money. Although I believe Sonlight will refund what I send back, just losing out on return shipping.


I need some advice. Thanks in advance!

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All the Cores below Core B are not what you are looking for. They are more of an intro course and go all over the place. I am doing my own unit studies for K about the children of the world (we are spending 1-2 months on each continent learning about the kids that live there, geography, food, culture, art, fairy tales, etc). My DD3 loves to tag along for most everything and my kids are having a lot of fun (and learning a lot!). If you want to simplify your life, maybe you could try Galloping the Globe. It is a similar program. I think it is great to have an intro to the world since kids that age have a lot of trouble really understanding how big the world is and how different (and yet the same) we all are. From what you are describing, I think you would love Core B and above with SL. I have heard that SL science isn't the best because it skips around a lot. There are lots of great science programs you could do on your own though (RSO, RS4K, NOEO, Elemental, etc).

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I have only used SL once, and that was at high school level. We used HOD this year for the first time. We did Preparing Hearts for my 5th grader, but my 1st grader listened in on the history and read-alouds and picked up a lot :-) I found HOD to be wonderful...very tightly interwoven between subjects so there was a "thread" running through our weeks. The lesson guide was so easy to use; much easier than SL's, IMHO. Visit the HOD board and post your questions...they are very welcoming and helpful there!

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I found SL Core A to be too much for my kindy-girl too. I just read everything in the Core that I felt she could handle at the time and then ordered almost all of the P4/5 for her. She enjoyed a mix of both of them. I wouldn't abandon SL totally based on one Core. Your child might be ready for that Core next year. I figure we will fill in those books we missed in future years. She loved the First encyclopedia and the Living Long Ago book.

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All the Cores below Core B are not what you are looking for. They are more of an intro course and go all over the place. I am doing my own unit studies for K about the children of the world (we are spending 1-2 months on each continent learning about the kids that live there, geography, food, culture, art, fairy tales, etc). My DD3 loves to tag along for most everything and my kids are having a lot of fun (and learning a lot!). If you want to simplify your life, maybe you could try Galloping the Globe. It is a similar program. I think it is great to have an intro to the world since kids that age have a lot of trouble really understanding how big the world is and how different (and yet the same) we all are. From what you are describing, I think you would love Core B and above with SL. I have heard that SL science isn't the best because it skips around a lot. There are lots of great science programs you could do on your own though (RSO, RS4K, NOEO, Elemental, etc).


I loved loved loved this suggestion of studying each continent! Thank you.


I have only used SL once, and that was at high school level. We used HOD this year for the first time. We did Preparing Hearts for my 5th grader, but my 1st grader listened in on the history and read-alouds and picked up a lot :-) I found HOD to be wonderful...very tightly interwoven between subjects so there was a "thread" running through our weeks. The lesson guide was so easy to use; much easier than SL's, IMHO. Visit the HOD board and post your questions...they are very welcoming and helpful there!


I'm glad you loved HOD. The curriculum looks very good andmuch more sequential!


You may also like to peruse the Simply Charlotte Mason website for inspiration.





I also agree that SL P4/5 would probably not be what you are looking for.


I like Flyleaf Publishing readers much better.


And I also like BFSU for science. At that age, I don't worry about getting to it every day. DH is big on science so she learns a lot just with nature walks/talks with Daddy, too.


No ideas on history. For K, if you are concerned about spending more, I would focus on phonics, handwriting, reading, math, plus as many read alouds as your kids will listen to. My daughter (4.5 y.o.) loves to go through this book with me: A Child's Introduction to the World.


I will look at the flyleaf readers. Thank you for the direction. The Child's Introduction to the World looks like a great resource!


I found SL Core A to be too much for my kindy-girl too. I just read everything in the Core that I felt she could handle at the time and then ordered almost all of the P4/5 for her. She enjoyed a mix of both of them. I wouldn't abandon SL totally based on one Core. Your child might be ready for that Core next year. I figure we will fill in those books we missed in future years. She loved the First encyclopedia and the Living Long Ago book.


I agree that the books are great. I have many of the 4/5 ones on my wish list.

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You might also look I to Five in a Row. I used that with my oldest for first and would still be using it for my littles, but my oldest would never get his own work done! We loved FIAR so much for those early grades!


Thank you for the suggestion. I am not familiar with Five in a Row, but I will take a look at it. It seems like many people here like it.

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