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impacted tooth in a 7yr old?

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My ds7 has a high palate and at a check up today, the family dentist was concerned that one of his permanent molars was impacted. He didn't really get much of a look TBH, he didn't even get the mirror in, as ds was having a wiggly giggly day, but he has referred him to another dentist. He said they may need to remove a perfectly healthy first tooth to make space for this permanent tooth. I wasn't expecting any of this, the tooth in question is fairly recently erupted and I had assumed it just hadn't reached it's final position yet. I have had a good look and I can see all four corners of the tooth and can feel gum in the space when I floss his teeth. He has no pain or infection and no cavities. I am very worried, though.


Anyone dealt with an impacted tooth at any age?

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My ds had to have his upper 2 year molars removed when he was 7 because the 6 year molars were getting hung up on them. They put in a Nance appliance (a type of spacer) which he just got out last month at the ripe age of 13 since his permanent teeth finally all came in. To be honest, it really was no big deal to get those other teeth pulled and the spacer put in. I would recommend you see an orthodontist rather than just a dentist though as they will look at the big picture and recommend treatment based on that.

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My ds had to have his upper 2 year molars removed when he was 7 because the 6 year molars were getting hung up on them. They put in a Nance appliance (a type of spacer) which he just got out last month at the ripe age of 13 since his permanent teeth finally all came in. To be honest, it really was no big deal to get those other teeth pulled and the spacer put in. I would recommend you see an orthodontist rather than just a dentist though as they will look at the big picture and recommend treatment based on that.



Thank you.


We are in the UK and we are not famous for good dentistry:blush: There is an orthodontic service at our regional hospital and expect he will be referred there. There is no point in removing the tooth to just let the permanent tooth drift. If I am not happy with what we are offered, I'll have to see a private orthodontist. I'm upset because it seems to be so slight and one one side only, the other side erupted just fine.

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I have two ds (19 mo. apart) who both had the same impacted tooth - #22! This was one of the ones on the bottom, in the front (incisors, maybe). One son had to have his removed surgically and he will always have a baby tooth there. Or, until it falls out and he can get a replacement put in. the other son had the impacted tooth exposed and they cemeted a gold chain onto it and used braces to pull it up and into the right position. We found it very weird that they both had it with the same tooth. but they are both fine now. We discovered this around when they were 9, maybe. They are 18 and 16 now.


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