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Speaking of Doctor Who...

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I go away for a couple of days and you guys all start talking Doctor Who!


I knew this was the weird, new two part season. It annoys me to be sure, but just like when Davies decided to take off a bit and do the specials in order to keep Tennant around while he was doing Hamlet... eh. I'll take it. I appreciate that the BBC doesn't put things into production just for the sake of keeping things in production. DW is a show where it's frustrating, but I don't mind taking the long view and waiting for quality instead of quantity. Not to mention that if it allows Moffat to get back to Sherlock, then I'm all for it.


This whole season has had a different feel from any in the Davies era. Does anyone know the old fourth Doctor episode Invasion of Time? There's others I can think of, especially from the Tom Baker years like this one. The Doctor becomes president of Gallifrey and eventually the Sontarans invade. But I think it's not until like the third episode that you even have any clue what's going on. Up to that point, it's just the Doctor being unlike himself, putting Leela into exile, getting weird headaches, and just generally being strange. Then, eventually, you as the viewer get caught up and begin to understand what was going on. But before that you don't know... is it really the Doctor or some clone? Or maybe he's being controlled? Or maybe it's all some plan? But the storytelling lets the Doctor be smarter than us. We're just as in the dark as poor Leela. And I feel like that's the atmosphere Moffat is trying to create. Also, this reference works for me because I'm pretty sure it's the only other episode where we see the TARDIS's swimming pool.


In the Davies era, in virtually every episode, we, as the audience, know what the Doctor knows. We get his perspective. He explains things to us through the companion. There's very few misleads. But now, in the Moffat era, I feel like he's leaving us in the dark purposefully as the audience. We don't know what's going on in the Doctor's head. And the story doesn't let us catch up too fast.


It's different but it's growing on me. In some ways, I think it's smart. It emphasizes how alien the Doctor is and how much smarter he is than the rest of us.


On the other hand, my poor Doctor-mad kids ask a lot more questions about what's going on mid-episode than they used to.

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Well, I wasn't worried until you all mentioned it, but now I am!


Specifically, I'm worried about who the greatest man River has ever known is.


Like I said,


I do think the way she spoke to Rory at the beginning of that episode was a bit telling



She answers all his questions (the last one as well as the silence episodes) and why did she seem so sad to see him? She seems closer to Rory than Amy who she has known longer


Oh, I didn't mean that they are going to take it back, I was just speculating based on what the others were saying. And my bad for not knowing who said it. I still think Rory is the one she's talking about though. It would be so much cooler, even if it would be sad. Plus, a good man goes to war... it doesn't have to be just the Doctor, it could be referring to Rory as well.


I think it was Rory and not the Doctor. There was something said in the episode about a good man not needing rules and the Doctor said something about how they should be glad he has so many. He said he wasnt the good man. But Rory is a healer, when the Sontaran died he said that bit about being a nurse, I think that was a really defining moment.

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In theory.




We don't really know. We are meant to believe that the girl in the suit is River. But, why would she then shoot at her young self?


I'm guessing because she was angry at what she had done. That's why she stays back and doesn't shoot until the girl is too far away.


With that I kept thinking about the Doctor saying "Time can be rewritten." He has said it a few times. The first time was right after River gave him the info about the man she killed


It didnt seem like she remembered shooting him, she screamed "NO!!"

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