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Can anyone talk to me about IEW?

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Writing was an area my boys lacked in last year. It was our first year homeschooling, so I've learned a lot last year. :)


I think writing is super important - in fact one of the most important skills in my opinion. TOO many kids these days can barely string enough words together to make a coherent sounding sentance (as is evident on Facebook lol)!


I hear SO much about IEW. Frankly though, its a bit overwhelming. There are SO many programs.


For example, I just found the Ancient-History based writing lessons on Rainbow Resource. That looks GREAT! It goes along with our Story Of the World vol. 1 and its for grades 3-8. I could use it for my two oldest boys.


Also, I have access to the teacher videos for free at my boys' homeschool program.


I guess my question is 1) how teacher intensive is IEW? Does it require a lot of hand-holding or is it fairly independant? and 2) what can you tell me about all of the different options for IEW? and 3) is all that's needed are the student books?



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This past year was our first with IEW, so I'm fairly new to it, but I'll try to answer a couple of your questions. The teacher videos are the most expensive part, so if you have access to those that is great! There is a manual that goes with them, so you can do the exercises on the video, which is useful. Many people watch the videos, then use the student writing intensive to teach the kids. I actually jumped right into the themed books, which worked fine. We used Fun and Fascinating Facts for a third and fifth grader. For next year I got the medieval books(student book for each and a teacher guide), and I love it. Of course I haven't used it yet, but I've planned it out.


I would say it's medium on the teacher intensive scale. Using the themed books really helps because the source material is all there. In the beginning you will probably need to do the steps(outlining, brainstorming, retelling, then writing) together, but should be able to move to them being fairly independent. We only used the program for half the year, and my now sixth grader is able to be pretty independent. I have to work more with the new fourth grader on structure. We always go over new concepts and practice them together.

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I have only used it for the second half of this year, but LOVE it! I only have the Student Writing Intensive level C (using it for 12, 13 yr. olds). I also have the over view cd. I have not watched the teacher videos, but have been able to do perfectly fine without.


It is fairly teacher intensive- but I personally wouldn't trust any writing program that wasn't. It isn't really a subject you can leave for a child to do alone. BUT it is very simple once you read through it. It is explained very well, and laid out day by day.

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We are using IEW for the first time this year and love it. Andrew is awesome. My dd13 doesn't need much help at all. Mostly just corrections and a bellow of "What do I do/watch next mom?!" My ds9 takes a bit more hand holding. He has no writing background (well he is only 9 :)) and it is hard for him to think it through. He has been getting better than at first though.


Go here : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/IEWfamilies/ and join the IEW group. It is moderated by Jill from IEW (Julie from IEW gets in there too). Jill designed the PAL program that just came out. She also has used IEW extensively and is a wonderful fountain of knowledge. She can help direct you as well.


I am forever an IEW fan. I will be using PAL with my little and we use the writing and Phonetic Zoo (Well AAS through level 3 for ds9 then PZ).


The *MAIN* piece of advice I would give you is please watch the TWSS videos before teaching the lesson. I thought I would try getting the kids started before I had time to watch them... UGH.. don't do it. You do *not* have to watch them all at once. Just watch them before you teach each unit. Andrew explains everything in the TWSS. It is essential IMO. :) You can use any of the theme bases lessons with the TWSS as well. :)

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My son has taken an IEW class for the last 2 years and it's been great for him. If I did not have that available for him, I would use one of the writing intensives, at least for the first year. I think how teacher-intensive it will be largely depends on your student. I spend a lot of time working with my son even though he is taking a class for this, but I'm sure that would not be the case for a more natural writer.



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