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large envelopes for filing/storing old work

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So I have abandoned my hopes and dreams of lovingly storing my child's work in a meticulously labeled scrapbook and am going with the 'put everything from the year in a giant envelope and call it good' approach. Any suggestions on where to buy inexpensive oversized (11 x 17) art portfolios and/or storage boxes? I have been googling but most of the portfolios from the art stores seem to have rather more bells and whistles than I need. Or is portfolio the wrong search term?


Bonus points if I can buy online, and super bonus points if I can also order scrapbooking supplies from the same site. Because I have not yet given up on at least making a photo album of our current locale before we move. "Yet" being the operative word here ...


As always, thanks in advance.

Edited by JennyD
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We have used cardboard-type expandable accordian file folders for years. At least I can put the papers in the folder by subject. And they are large enough to hold quite a bit. Cost is about $10. At the beginning of last school year I found plastic ones for $1 at the Dollar Store. I should have bought many more. They were a bit smaller, but 2 did the job for each kid. I just write their name, grade and year on the front with a Sharpie and put in a storage box in the basement.

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Thanks for all the suggestion! Accordion files would be ideal -- no dollar store within walking distance, though; I'll have to keep looking for them.


There IS a pizza place right downstairs, though....clever idea, if I can't find the folders :001_smile:

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