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RIGHT after I said it, I knew I was in for it lol.

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Asta, I'm dying over here! :smilielol5:


I've never told anyone this story. I still get insanely embarassed about it... but since we're all sharing...


When my dd was 4 she was helping me fold laundry in one room while my son and his therapist (psychologist) were in the adjacent room. She grabbed a pair of my stained (but just washed) pair of granny underwear which I have reserved for just those times. She gasped in horror at the sight of the stain, then with her hand over her mouth she sighed deeply and began to pat me on the shoulder. "There, there, mommy. I won't tell anyone you had a poop in your undies." I did not want to get into how it was old blood, so I just nodded and said "thank you dear, that is really sweet of you." Lo and behold, when the in-laws visited shortly after, my dear sweet girl ran up to her grandmother and exclaimed "YiaYia! YiaYia! (brother's name) isn't the only one who poops his pants! Sometimes mommy does too!" :eek:



that's it.

Kill me now please. :leaving:


Dd did that to me ... only it wasn't laundry, but barging in on me in the bathroom ... only it wasn't family but company. "Mommy will be down in a minute because she pooped in her pants." :ack2::blush: They haven't been invited back.

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