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baic math review while taking Algebra

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I have a young son who is forgetting basic math EX: fractions, percentages etc while he is taking higher math courses. I have noticed this in my neices who are so advanced in math but while shopping can not figure percentages to find a sale price!!!


Is there a curriculum that addresses this like daily grams for grammar review?


baisc 7/8th grade math!



teresa in MN

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We are currently having the same issue. I just ordered Mastering Essential Math Skills Book Two. It's for Middle/High School and is supposed to take only 20 minutes per day. You might check it out and see if it will work for you.


Eta: We are doing this in addition to their Algebra classes.

Edited by Cindy in FL.
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On page 2, Emubird had this to say, which I found comforting for my own self study program.


You think it's just boys? Or kids identified as learning disabled?


Uh, no. I think human brains just work this way. (Or DON'T work:glare:)


Our solution was just to keep going, while stopping for explanations every single time it was needed. I'm now in calculus with my 2nd one, and still explaining fractions. I found that going over and over and over the basics while never moving on just killed any sense of interest or competence. Which resulted in a kid who had NO confidence. So we've just kept moving. It takes longer this way, but I think my kids have gotten a more thorough understanding of things.


Believe me, there is PLENTY of opportunity to go over these little lessons in higher math. As long as you keep reminding them how to do it, it will eventually sink in. My older daughter was EXACTLY the same with these issues. We just kept going (while re-explaining every step of the way). Calculus took forever (seeing as we had to redo so many things along the way). But she's now the top student in her math courses at college. (With a high ACT math score as well.)


I know there are going to be people who strongly disagree with this -- but it did work. And is continuing to work. I've been there with the screaming fits when the kid realizes they're basically being put back in lower math. It ruins their ability to do any math at all.


BTW, if you watch the Thinkwell Calculus lectures, you will see the lecturer going over the dumbest little things -- things you'd think students in calculus would already know. But they don't. Because everyone needs review, at all stages of math. And it makes sense to spread the review out over the years, rather than doing it as an intensive, must-pass before we move on thing. Because the students WILL forget again.


Back when I was teaching college genetics, we had to stop to solidify fractions with our students. And it's surprising how many physicists with PhDs can't add easy fractions -- simple things like 1/8 + 1/4.


BTW, memorizing the rules is useless. You just have to get to a point where it makes sense that that's what you do next. And the only way to get there is seeing it over and over.

I do see a place for review materials, as you asked for in your post. I'm trying out Saxon for review, since review is built in, and I don't need the diligence required to find review sections in the precalc books we already have. (I'm not necessarily suggesting Saxon for your purposes.)
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thank you ladies, with your thoughful and quick replies! i very much agree as i have done this naturally,

asking the student, what do you know? what do you remember? rephrase the problem. Great, great reminder!

(still i like to have them review little bits)


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I have a young son who is forgetting basic math EX: fractions, percentages etc while he is taking higher math courses. I have noticed this in my neices who are so advanced in math but while shopping can not figure percentages to find a sale price!!!


Is there a curriculum that addresses this like daily grams for grammar review?


baisc 7/8th grade math!



teresa in MN


My daughter slips on percentages so now for every assignment she does where she has to correct her answers (math, punctuation, etc.) I have her figure out the percentage of right answers and record it on her weekly work sheet. It's just a little bit of daily repetition that doesn't feel like school work but keeps percentages fresh for her.

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