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AAS Spelling Help???


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Will this work??? If I want to use AAS with three different kids this year, should I start the oldest in Level 1 and wait for her to get done with it. Hopefully pretty quickly:)


Then start 2nd kid in Level One when she gets done.


Then start 3rd kid when he gets done. And on and on until I run out of kids.:001_smile:


Will this work with AAS or do I need the cards from Level One to review in levels 2-6?


Does this question even make sense?:)


Also, is there any major difference in the AAS 2007 edition? It doesn't have the pretty cover.


(I keep thinking of questions)

Do I need the phonogram CD-ROM?




Edited by renabeth
thought of another question
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Here's my 2 cents worth on AAS:


For your older child, how grounded is he/she in spelling/phonics rules? Because Level 1 is very basic, and your oldest might get through it pretty quick. Plus, imho, the words are very easy. My 7 year old daughter who just learned how to read this year, breezed through all the words, and had no trouble memorizing the rules. You might want to check your oldest's skill level, and make sure that the Level 1 is the right place to start. However, if your oldest child needs the review, he/she might get through it pretty quick and have all of those rules learned or re-enforced.


That said, as far as needing the cards, it looks to me like you only need the cards from level 1 if you plan on consistently reviewing them year after year or if you want them for reference. (I've only used level 1 AAS so if I'm wrong on this, please correct me.) I hardly used any of the cards from level 1 and I never used the phonograms CD.


As far as using it with your children separately or together, just figure out where they all are independently and then start them in that level either together or separately. If your oldest starts in Level 1, you can definitely go ahead and use it for your younger children at the same time, just as a slower pace. Is that the question you are asking?


I hope that helps you. (Maybe it doesn't, and if it doesn't, I'm sorry! I hope you find the answer you are looking for.) :001_smile:

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Hmm, well, you MIGHT need the cards for review purposes in future levels unless they get everything nailed the first level they are introduced. You are told to move your phonogram cards from level one into your box for level two just so you can review from time to time. It depends on you and your dc, really.


No, you don't really need the phonogram cd if you can make do with the sound markings on the back of the phonogram cards (we have it, but I never use it.)


Edition differences? No idea, I have the older set - the new covers are prettier though ;).

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If your 8 year old son is not struggling with phonics as applied to reading, then work through Level 1 with him and his 10 year old sister simultaneously. The content of Level 1 is very basic, but going through it orients students and the teacher to the rhythm and method of the program.


At the start of Level 2, Step 1 is all review of Level 1. This might be a place where the road divides, but it depends on your students. You could be prepared to split them as they start Level 2, but you might try (for simplicity's sake) to keep them together as long as they are moving at the same pace.


Since your next child is 4 years old, I would wait for a year or two. I would want to have at least a year (Level 1 & Level 2) under my belt before trying to tackle AAS with three students at once. :D


FWIW, I think that Level 1 is easy enough (that is, clear and structured enough) that a bright 5th or 6th grader could teach it to a younger sibling. ;) Wait a while to begin Child #3, and then see if your daughter will teach Level 1. Teaching is a great learning experience! HTH. :001_smile:

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Thanks everyone!!! I think what I am going to do is start her in Level 1 and see how this works for her. I think I am going to use Dancing Bears and Apples and Pears with him. And finish a 100Ez with the dd4.


The idea of having the oldest teach the youngest is brilliant. I am so going to do that later. :) Now why didn't I think of that!

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