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Is there a list of the Sonlight books somewhere?


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Well, Sonlight has made some. :p


What levels are you interested in, and for what purpose? I've found lists on Amazon for the year I'm doing next. Just look for some of the items on whichever list you're interested in, and see if you can find an Amazon list entitled something close to what you want.

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Well, Sonlight has made some. :p


What levels are you interested in, and for what purpose? I've found lists on Amazon for the year I'm doing next. Just look for some of the items on whichever list you're interested in, and see if you can find an Amazon list entitled something close to what you want.



I like their book choices, and I want to have a list to take to the library with me, but I don't want to have to keep referring to the website. I guess I'll have to make my own list.

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You still haven't said what years you're interested in.


Here's a way to do it:


Go to the Sonlight Core you're interested in. For instance, here's Sonlight 3 Readers: http://www.sonlight.com/3RP.html


Click on the "Included Items" tab. This will give you a complete list of titles, but no other information. Print this out.


You may be worried about "doppelgangers" out there, i.e., books with the same title but very different contents. For instance, my sample list includes "Tornado," which could be one of hundreds of books, "Prairie School" and "Secret Valley." If you have a biography in the read-aloud list (although I think those are usually in history, unless you're including the history readings as read-alouds), those would be prime suspects, too, particularly if they only give the subjects' names. Note these books on your printed copy.


Or, you might be interested in the exact edition Sonlight has, if, for instance, you want those illustrations, too. (We checked out The Sword in the Tree when my son lost his copy for a few days, and I've got to say, the illustrations in the library copy were far superior.) Note any books you feel this way about.


Then click the "View Booklist with Descriptions" button at the top of the "Included Items" page. Go through the book list and see who actually wrote (and/or illustrated) the books you're concerned about. From my examples, I can see that Betsy Byars wrote Tornado, Avi wrote Prairie School, and Clyde Robert Bulla wrote Secret Valley. Wow, there sure is a lot of Bulla in Sonlight. Good thing I like him!


Now, write down those names on your list.


Of course, if you'd rather just have all the information at once, you could print out the whole Booklist with Descriptions page. You'd have to wade through advertisements for Sonlight and use up a whole lot more paper (not to mention colored ink, if you have a color printer and didn't print black and white) that way.


There, you're all done!


Edited to say: Clearly, these instructions could be adapted to cutting and pasting instead of printing, if you'd rather a list that you saved on your computer. I was just going for quick and dirty!

Edited by morosophe
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[quote name=morosophe;2806954

Click on the "Included Items" tab. This will give you a complete list of titles' date=' but no other information. Print this out.




This is what I ended up doing. Thanks for pointing out the obvious to me. :001_smile:

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I know there is a list of Sonlight books by time period. Someone had it on their blog. Let me see...


...here it is.:)


I printed this and stuck it in my binder when I thought I was going to be organized. It is probably the ONLY thing I could find so easily.:lol:


Edit: The link might be helpful.


Edited by michelle l
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