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Does anyone use a 4 dy/week schedule for high school? TIA


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My 10th grade daughter schools Monday-Thursday. On Fridays she is a teachers aide for preschoolers. We have always schooled only 4 days a week.

It is allot of work and many weekends she will have some reading to get in. She is a hard worker and gets in there and 'gets it done'. I just divide all my books up by 4 days a week rather then 5 and schedule that way. It may be a bit more work per day but we both agree we would rather do it that way and have a day 'off' to do other things.





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My oldest son's schedule is basically 4 days. On the 5th day he meets with his AP Biology class for 1.5 - 2.5 hours and then in the afternoon he has a co-op (semester break till 2/21) where he takes "fun" classes (cooking, calligraphy, Shakespeare, and music.)


His courses are:

Latin I

AP Biology

Algebra I

Honors World History

Honors English I

Government Elective

Philosophy Elective


He is also finishing up Elementary Greek, but I'm not counting it. His day lasts from 8:30 - 3 or 4:00 and sometimes he has to read on weekends, although that hasn't happened lately.

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Well, our week is kind of 4 days, but it's split over 5 days. Sounds confusing, but here it is:



  • Mondays - 1/2 day with Literature Group weekly and Keepers at Home every other week.
  • Tuesday - 1/2 day with Physical Science co-op weekly
  • Wednesday - full day
  • Thursday - 1/2 day with IEW co-op weekly
  • Friday - full day weekly



Having a schedule like this means that my dd has a least an hour to 90 minutes each evening for reading and to finish a few things plus she works 4 hours on the weekends. The best part of our schedule is that all the classes are at my house and I teach all of the except Lit Group.


I'm not sure how or if we will have a similiar schedule next year. I don't think I'll be teaching the IEW class again (too much work for free) or if I will teach Biology.

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Our "school" days are 9:00-3:00 divided up into 45 minute "periods." Each dc covers English, Science, Maths, & Languages (Latin + their chosen modern language) daily during the morning, with me rotating around the kids. Geography, Literature, & Music Practice are covered in the afternoons on Mondays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays. Tuesdays Dd has Flute lessons 1:00-2:00 & volunteers at the SPCA 2:00-4:00. I run errands with the boys & usually hit the library as well while she's at the SPCA. Fridays we have homeschool swimming from 12:30-2:30. My youngest has lessons, but my older 2dc swim as well if they have their work completed for the week.


I'm aiming for us to cover 45 days of work each term. A change I've made is to print out daily worklist for each dc. We've used weekly sheets for many years, but term one is crazy with regattas for us & we seldom have 5 day weeks. So this year each dc knows that they must complete 45 days of lessons, before they get to have their break. We try to keep to the PS schedule because of scouts, etc. Dd decided to start her term today instead of waiting as she wants to have some of the term break off at the end of April. They all know we'll start term 2 on 5 May & term 1 must be finished by 2 May. Hopefully by term 4 they will have figured out the benefit of working ahead or at least keeping up & finish their bookwork by Thanksgiving, allowing us a longer summer holiday.

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Our 4 day week is a little different so I thought I would post. My dh's days off our Monday and Tuesday so we hs Wednesday through Saturday. Also he works second shift and goes into third shift with overtime so our school day starts between 12 and 1 pm and will last until 7 or 8 pm. So far this works out well for our family because everyone is on the same schedule. Monday is the boys scout meetings so the whole day is given to scouting. Tuesday is their youth group night and chore day. Sunday is church in the morning, my boys are teaching assistance for the children under 12 in our Sunday School and then they attend a youth group at another church in the evening.


On Wednesday through Saturday we spend around 6 to 7 hours doing school. Once a month part of Friday night and all day Saturday is given over to a Scout Camp out but many of those camp outs are educational so I count them as school. This month they spent the weekend on a WWII sub and did all kinds of educational activities, like code breaking, identifying Japanese aircraft and ships, and simulating running and diving the sub, ect.... This month they had an added camp out getting ski and snow boarding lessons so I counted those hours as PE but I made them do a half day of school on Tuesday. My sons are 14 and soon to be 16.


Hope this helps,


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