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anyone care to critique my HoMW syllabus? for 10th grade

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I will probably lose the formatting but it was too large to attach.


World History II Syllabus 10th Grade


For history each day (Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday) you will do the following:

Read one chapter (or part of chapter if less than three chapters are assigned for the week) from The History of the Medieval World. Look up coordinating section in DK History of the World. Use these resources to fill out your notebook page as follows (You should fill out one notebook page for EACH CHAPTER of The History of the Medieval World):

1. List any important dates in the chapter and tell why they are important (Important Dates section).

2. List the names of the two or three most important individuals in the chapter (Important People section).

3. List three or four events that stand out in the chapter (Important Events section).

4. List two events that were happening in other parts of the world during the same time period (Around the World…section). There are pages in the DK History of the World that chart this out. You may also describe a current event that is happening now in the part of the world you are reading about.

5. Once a week we will have a brief discussion (Friday or Saturday afternoon) about your readings. Starbucks may be involved! :0)

6. Once a month you will write an essay on the history topic of your choice. Look back at your completed notebook pages for ideas. I will also discuss possible topics with you. These will follow guidelines from High School Essay Intensive and/or Elegant Essay.


On Tuesdays, read City of God and complete the coordinating section in the workbook.


Final Project: The Research Report


Your last seven weeks will be spent writing a research report. It must be in MLA format, 6-7 pages in length, and use 3-8 sources. The paper must attempt to prove something about some historical event or series of historical events that you have studied this year.


Resources used for this course:

1. The History of the Medieval World: From the Conversion of Constantine to the First Crusade by Susan Wise Bauer


2. City of God by Saint Augustine (study guide by Memoria Press)

3. The Story of Western Civilization, Book 3: The Middle Ages, and Book 4: The Renaissance by Alan Reise and Herbert Lasalle (EPS Publishers)

4. DK History of the World by Simon Adams, Plantagenet Somerset Fry


Reading Schedule:

this part didn't come through. basic chart with chapters and additional reading-not complete yet anyway:D

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lots of views but no comments-is that bad or good? :D

I will add that he is taking a SMARR Medieval lit class as well. I guess I'm concerned with the amount of writing. He did something similar this year for Ancients, but just did a brief summary, outline, or History Scholar page for each chapter. I'm worried about the accountability factor, I guess.


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I think it looks very doable (in fact I copied it so I can use it :D - hope that's okay). How long did it take him to do history last year? It looks like you have him making "lists" so it doesn't appear too writing intensive. I do like the Starbucks idea.

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Yes, I am happy for anyone to use it! It took him about 40 minutes a day to do history this year. It may take a little less with doing more list-type exercises daily, but I figure the City of God study guide and the monthly essays and research report will make up the hours needed for a credit. I tried to stick to the WTM description. I also formatted a notebook page for him to use for each chapter (generic form, not chapter specific). When I get all the kinks worked out I'll put it up on scribd or something.

Edited by Kim in SouthGa
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about the History scholar pages...my son did not enjoy doing these for some reason. He said a lot of the topics did not match up (I did not coordinate for him, thought he could figure that out on his own), he didn't like doing the timeline at the top, and finding pictures on the internet. My dd would love it, but it just wasn't my son's thing. And after I reread the WTM section on rhetoric history, I saw that SWB recommended doing it the other way. Finding the info in Timetable of History was supposed to be for the literature study.

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  • 7 months later...

Hi Kim--Did you use this plan successfully so far this year? I'm doing medieval with my junior next year and thinking of using SWB's HoMW too. Along with a lit program online. We've done TOG this year and don't plan to use it next year. Thanks!

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about the History scholar pages...my son did not enjoy doing these for some reason. He said a lot of the topics did not match up (I did not coordinate for him, thought he could figure that out on his own), he didn't like doing the timeline at the top, and finding pictures on the internet. My dd would love it, but it just wasn't my son's thing. And after I reread the WTM section on rhetoric history, I saw that SWB recommended doing it the other way. Finding the info in Timetable of History was supposed to be for the literature study.


My ds refused to complete the History Scholar Notebooking Pages so they have gone bye-bye!

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Hi Kim--Did you use this plan successfully so far this year? I'm doing medieval with my junior next year and thinking of using SWB's HoMW too. Along with a lit program online. We've done TOG this year and don't plan to use it next year. Thanks!


My ds finished SWB's HOTMW in December. He really enjoyed the books and the way history was designed. Our syllabus was a spin-off of Kim's. We are now starting a revised version of Beautiful Feet's Medieval History Sr. Level which covers 1200 to 1600.

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