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CLE Math to Saxon


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Ok, I know there have been many threads about this. I have read through so many of them my head hurts. :tongue_smilie: However, I am still hoping for a little more information for future planning purposes.



CLE is working ok for DS right now. However my plan has always been to switch to Saxon for the upper levels. (I do NOT like the lower levels of Saxon which is why we did not start with it) I know Saxon will work well for DS and I love the support of the Teacher Cd's. I haven't decided if we will switch starting at 5/4 or 6/5. I know we have a while before we get there, (DS will finish level 100 over the summer), but I am a planner. :D I also like to make sure we keep a steady pace so we never get too far behind. As it is it takes us longer than a year to finish 1 level of CLE.



Sooo....can you tell me what level in CLE transitions well into Saxon 5/4 or 6/5? I know about the placement tests that we can use when we get closer to time, but I was hoping to at least get a ballpark idea. TIA! :)

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Thanks JudoMom. :001_smile: That is what I have been thinking. Start at the beginning.



I have seen some posts that said dc went from CLE 300 to 5/4 and some CLE 400 to 5/4. I am going to try and look at the scope and sequence to see if that helps. If ds can go from CLE 300 to 5/4, that would mean we could really take our time through the next couple of levels and really cement his facts.

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Both programs have placement tests. I would say use them. Mine finished half of CLE500 and placed in Saxon 7/6! I would not suggest you switch at all, quite frankly. CLE is similar but not as overwhelming as Saxon and no problems to copy until Algebra. This is a huge plus.

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I would say do the placement test. All children are different and if he isn't doing well with CLE he may need more remediation. So just do the placement test.


I do agree with one poster. If your child is having difficulty with CLE they may have the same problem with Saxon as they are both spiral and incremental programs. CLE actually is a bit more gentle in the fact that it spreads out the learning more than Saxon does. Saxon tends to start off simply and then hits hard with the next level very quickly.


I would find out why he is having problems first before switching to Saxon. He may be one of those kids that needs to focus on a set of problems at a time. If that is so then programs like Rod and Staff, Math Mammoth , Bob Jones, Singapore may be a better fit.

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He is not having problems with CLE. He is doing well with it and retaining the information well. We just have to move slowly because he has some focus issues. He does well with the spiral and incremental approach. He needs a lot of review. We tried mastery first and that was a huge flop.


I like the hand holding that the Saxon Teacher cd's provide in the upper levels. My dd is using them now and they have been a life saver for me. I do a lot of teaching on the white board with him now, but I am not as comfortable with being the "sole" teacher in the upper levels. This is I want to transition into Saxon later. Not because he is having issues. If CLE had something like Saxon Teacher cd's that would be wonderful!!!

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