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How things fly


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Hi everyone! This is my official first post, although I have been lurking and learning so much from all of you! We have been homeschooling for 2 years (kindergarten and 1st grade).


DD7 has asked to do a unit this summer on aerodynamics or in his words, "I want to learn how airplanes fly." I am having some problems finding resources to use for his age.




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Well, that is a stumper. Here's a unit study on airplanes, including "aerodynamic forces" from Hands of a Child through Currclick for 2nd to 7th grade, though. Maybe it'll help?


Meanwhile, have fun cutting out and putting together a free biplane from The Toymaker.


Both these resources were found through Homeschool Share's page on The Glorious Flight.


Edited to say: Oh, and welcome to The Well-Trained Mind! I finally registered a few weeks ago just so that I could post a response to someone who was having trouble getting to a particular page using Linux instead of Window, to say that I could do it on my Ubuntu. Apparently, it was like an alcoholic having "just one drink" (or me having "just one cookie") because I've moved up to "Worker Bee" status awfully quickly!

Edited by morosophe
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The first ever Bill Nye episode featured the principles of flight. You could see if you could find that one (hint: it does seem to be available online for free, although I'm not about to speculate as to how legally).


Janice Van Cleave also demonstrates some of the science behind airplanes, and invites your child to try for himself. (Honestly, I didn't actually watch the video, but it looks like that's what it's supposed to do.)

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As an extra read I recommend The Glorious Flight. It doesn't teach about aerodynamics but it describes one man's repeated attempts at flight. It's a children's book but your 7 year old may appreciate it. My girls read it for FIAR and I was surprised by how much we loved it!

The Glorious Flight

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