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Homeschooling with an 18 month old? Suggestions?

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So at the beginning of the school year, ds2 will be 18 months old. My ds1 is 12 and my dd is 16. I still need to cover several courses, especially vocabulary, writing and science with ds1 and writing, vocab and spelling and maybe some other things with dd. We are hoping to have some hired help, but am not sure it will happen....so assuming it does NOT, what are some things you do to make school go well with such a young one at home? I need some creativity so that this year can go better....I REALLY want the time with the older kids and I need time to do cooking and general household stuff. I know I could have one of the older kids watch ds2 but don't want to put too much time on them because I want them to get the academics and chores done too.....Thoughts?

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So at the beginning of the school year, ds2 will be 18 months old. My ds1 is 12 and my dd is 16. I still need to cover several courses, especially vocabulary, writing and science with ds1 and writing, vocab and spelling and maybe some other things with dd. We are hoping to have some hired help, but am not sure it will happen....so assuming it does NOT, what are some things you do to make school go well with such a young one at home? I need some creativity so that this year can go better....I REALLY want the time with the older kids and I need time to do cooking and general household stuff. I know I could have one of the older kids watch ds2 but don't want to put too much time on them because I want them to get the academics and chores done too.....Thoughts?

A friend's motto is "Semper Gumby": Always Flexible. :lol:

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"Semper Gumby": Always Flexible


Oh, that is just perfect! :lol: And very necessary, actually :D


My kids' age range is very similar to the OP's. I've found that I have to save the more intense teaching for the baby's nap time (which for us is between 1 & 3) For a bit of extra time in the mornings, I put on her favourite DVD, which can buy us 1/2 hour. The rest of the time, the boys know I'm there and available to answer questions (as long as they are reasonably quick about it) but I pretty much have The Little Red Caboose attached to my rear-end wherever I go. The upside of this is that at the tender age of 18 months, DD has been exposed to Robinson Crusoe, Algebra, the history of Australia and a touch of Latin conjugation, all in the last month :D

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Thanks for the thoughts so far...I guess I didn't even think of any video time since he's only watched one so far.... I guess in desperation I could do that a couple times a week. The thing with nap time is he's so inconsistant....maybe I just need to be better consistent with how I schedule other things. Appointments always throw us off and fitting in grocery time. I'm reading Managers of Their Homes. Maybe I really need to force myself into making these things a fixed part of the schedule to the best of my ability......

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