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Talk to me about Kinect for PE?


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We don't currently have any gaming systems in the house, but I'm :banghead: about PE. I was considering homeschool YMCA again, but we did that a few years back and it just took SO much time out of the week. And we've done various things over the years like hooping, fitness DVDs, etc.


I have 3 children with an immune disorder that has them ill much of the year, so I hate to commit financially to any outside lessons like gymnastics/soccer/whatever where they're sure to miss a lot of this.


Anyway, questions about Kinect are:




  • Are the available games like tennis, Kinectimals, fitness an adequate option for twice/three times a week PE?
  • Are these games that would get boring after a month or so (keeping in mind that my dc don't have a game system so they're not jaded)?
  • Is there some better option I've been missing all these years?


Thank you hive :grouphug:

Edited by mamakim
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We have a kinect. My kids are consistently used it this winter.we have a no video on nice days rule. I LOVE it. It actually wears them out.


The kinect sports has discus, long jump, boxing, track, hurdles, bowling, volleyball. If you limit the time allowed on , it will last longer. the game that it comes w/ significantly wore out my high energy kids and lasted several weeks.


the game only lasted several weeks because i let them play alot. the sports has lasted longer because their is a time limit on it.

Edited by Rosyl
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We love our Kinect. Kinectimals has lots of obstacle courses and things like that you can do. Beware that there is a GLITCH in Kinectimals that will cause your game to freeze if you put more than one or two collars and pendants on your animals. There is a patch for it, but you have to suscribe to Xbox live to get the patch. We just tell DD not to use more than one or two of the collars and pendants, because once the game freezes for that reason, you have to start all over from the very beginning - you can't unfreeze it. This is just a weird glitch in that particular game and I wouldn't let it turn you off of Kinect. I just thought I'd let you know since it took lots of online searching for us to figure out what the problem was. :) I have some Kinect fitness thing I like - it has yoga and kickboxing, but I can't remember what it's called. Anyway, I like it and the game that comes with the Kinect. :)

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We have the Kinect Sports, Adventures and Kinectimals. The Kinectimals is cute but doesn't provide much as much physical activity as the other two. The Sports is pretty good but each activity isn't long lasting enough to really get your heartrate up. I would say that the Adventures gives the best workout. When my dc do the river raft adventure or the obstacle course one they really work hard. I would say though that you should get more than one game and change it up with other indoor activities to keep it fresh.

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Not only does the Kinect have the sports games and the adventure games, but depending on how you feel your dc would be able to keep up with it, there is Fitness Your Shape Evolved which has several different levels of customized workouts, gym games, yoga, and cardio kick boxing. My ds uses this one. We are looking at getting the Zumba Fitness for next year. Also, if you kids like dancing there are several dancing games. I would (and do) consider a workout on one of these at PE credit.

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