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my sons and lapbooking


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I have a 22 months old son who is hyperfocused on balls. He has been this way forever. In fact he doesn;t say much but ball over and over again. He likes to look at ball pictures. He can kick, catch and throw balls. I would like to make him a ball lapbook. I can;t seem to find any online. Does anyone have ideas of what to include other than pictures of the different types of balls and their names?


By the way does anyone else have a child like this?.my oldest son was like this when he was a wee one. He is 16 yrs old now but a little delayed. His end all be all dream is to be a football player but he cant because he has physical disability that will not allow him to play-spinal biffida oculta and congenital spinal stenosis. Just found this out this year playing high school football. He starting experiencing pain. My 16yrs old is a Freshman and it has been a motivating thing to get him to do any kind of school work. I am not sure what we are going to do now. His heart is broken. He is currently researching online surgeons who can heal him.


Anyways I hope my youngest son isn;t going to be just like his older half brother.

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Oh, my 2 year old (as of this past week) would love such a lapbook! He is also into balls, and for quite a while, all he said was "ball". :) Just in the last couple weeks, he's starting to actually talk (my oldest talked right as he turned 2 also).


We have a Dr. Seuss book about maps, and in the middle there is a globe. DS says "Ball!" :lol: We go anywhere and he'll find something round and say it's a ball.


My middle son loved things with wheels. He'd roll a car and put the top of his head on the ground so he could really see those wheels. He still loves things with wheels.


My oldest didn't have a hyperfocus object like this, but he did mostly animal sounds until he turned 2. Loved animals.

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I don't have any suggestions for a lapbook. But my oldest son was super focused on wheels. He would spin the tires on his cars for HOURS a day. He was diagnosed with Autism when he was 3. He did many other things beside that, but that stands out to me. Don't want to worry you, although it's not the end of the world if it were. I love my son just the way he is ya know! ;)

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You might be able to find some file-folder games that you can include in a lapbook. File folder games are great for your son's age and really you can make them any theme.



One idea -- Color matching: Make two sets of colored ball pictures. Glue one down to the inside of the lapbook/file folder, and then make the other set into cards. Have you DS match the colors.



Here are a bunch more ideas. Look at the skill / way it is taught that would benefit your son and then see how you could substitute balls for what ever they are using.


Also, Ingles 360 is a preschool publisher on Currclick. They have some great looking stuff and might have something ball oriented. Worth checking out. (I found this doing a quick search. And it's free!)


Here are some resources for Yellow Ball that kolamum mentioned.


Also, here is a soccer lapbook/unit study. This isn't a preschool resource, but there might be some stuff that is usable and/or sparks an idea for you.

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I don't have any suggestions for a lapbook. But my oldest son was super focused on wheels. He would spin the tires on his cars for HOURS a day. He was diagnosed with Autism when he was 3. He did many other things beside that, but that stands out to me. Don't want to worry you, although it's not the end of the world if it were. I love my son just the way he is ya know! ;)

I don't have any suggestions for a lapbook. But my oldest son was super focused on wheels. He would spin the tires on his cars for HOURS a day.

Yes..balls and wheels is exactly what he is focused on..I wonder about autism myself. I guess we won;t find out until he is older I suppose. Pediatrician suggested I call Early intervention.east bay regional center.

He is very social though. Goes up to people and shows them things and wants their interaction. So I don;t know what to make of it.



He was diagnosed with Autism when he was 3. He did many other things beside that, but that stands out to me. Don't want to worry you, although it's not the end of the world if it were. I love my son just the way he is ya know!


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Homeschoolshare.com has a unit on soccer. One of the lapbook offerings is a "Bucky Ball Fact Pocket," which consists of a ball-shaped pocket and several "pages" to go in it. The ball-shaped pocket has a soccer ball printed on front, or you could easily turn it around and have just a blank ball. You could also cut out whatever you want for the inserts--just use the pages saying "'Bucky' Ball Fact" as guides for the right size.


I would be tempted to cut out the "pages" on different colors of construction (or whatever sturdy) paper and review colors with them, but that's just one thought. I thought it would be a good addition to whatever lapbook you end up making!

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