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RFWP Valley Forge, PA mini-conv w/ SWB and MCT

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Royal Fireworks Press (RFWP) has organized a mini-conference for us in Valley Forge, PA in lieu of the canceled Northeastern Homeschool Convention. It will be held at Valley Forge Christian College on June 24,25. Susan Wise Bauer will be giving 3 talks on Friday and 3 talks on Saturday. MCT will be giving 3 talks each day as well. In addition, our very own Kalmia, Laurel Dodge, will be giving a talk about Nature Study for the Whole Family (also the title of her book newly published by RFWP). Also, Dr. Shelagh Gallagher will be giving a talk on her RFWP curriculum, problem solving for high schoolers. There will be ample coffee breaks to talk to SWB and MCT. We have accommodations at the college for $30/night. There is the option of buying meals in the cafeteria for $25 for Friday and $16.50 on Saturday since there isn't much near the college.


You can register here: http://www.rfwp.com/valley-forge-convention.php



There is a RFWP social group. Please check it out if you'd like to attend the WTM Thursday night dinner out. Also, if you'd like to see specific curriculum or want to see if there is something you can bring to show others, check out the social group.


Capt Uhura

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