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4 year old cries to "do math like Isaac."


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Have you looked at Miquon Orange level? It uses Cuisinaire rods & is pretty interesting for that level. Honestly, I've found that for the pre-K/K level, any workbook will do fine if what they want is just to copy what a big sibling is doing. We went to our local bookstore and picked up a couple bright, colorful K workbooks and my preschool aged son happily went to work on them while his sister did her work. At this age, if she's asking for workbooks to copy her brother, don't worry so much about teaching her specific math skills as much as fostering that idea that math is fun and studying with brother is fun, so pick whatever seems like she will enjoy it most. Math skills will be picked up along the way, and you will fill any gaps once you get into a real curriculum in first grade anyway.

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I like Singapore Essential Math K. Book A is fairly preKish, but is good anyway - it works on sets and what's different and things like that, but sometimes there are multiple answers, which is cool. :) Book B gets into actual K math, and really beyond what some K math programs do. My 4 year old is doing book A right now. He loves it!


You can also get a plain old K book from Sam's/Costco and let her play with that. My oldest loved that big book when he was 4. He wasn't ready for actual school at that point. I couldn't teach him something formally without meeting resistance, but he enjoyed doing the easy workbook that just required me to read the directions to him. :)

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