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Is my food addiction psychological or physiological?

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Help! I've been doing 2 weeks of the Couch to 5K, along with walking on the off days (4 days total each week, we want to go 5 but something has prevented 1 day both weeks!). But, HELP me ladies! My eating SUCKS!!!! (I know, not a nice word and I yelled it, but man, what's a girl to do?)


I crave chips, crackers, and sugar. ALL of it! Is this craving psychological or physiological? What do I need to do to overcome it? Any ideas? I think I need to start with increased water and cutting out the crap. Then, concentrate on portion sizes of real food and being sure I get all the fruits/veggies/protein I need in a day.


But, I can't seem to get beyond the crap eating. I've been extremely busy and a little stressed, and that has been my excuse. However, that is life! I need to accept that there will be busy times in my life with 4 kids, stressful times too, this is how life is. So, I need to eat well even during these times.


So, any advice ladies? How to break it if it is psychological or what to do if it is physiological?

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I think carb cravings can be physiological. They seem to happen when blood sugar gets borderline low. The carbs bring the blood sugar back up more quickly, which is good in the short run, but not so good in the long run. If you have recently started an exercise program and already have some sensitivity to carbs, your body chemistry may need time to adjust to the sudden demands on your system. I read about this many years ago and can't remember the source, but it has to do with using glucose vs. glycogen and something with the liver. I am sure there are others on this board that can explain it better.


Busy, stressful life can also get in the way of good eating (and trigger more carb cravings as well.) Menu planning is important to head this off. Planning breakfast, lunch, dinner and three snacks (which include protein) can be helpful. You are less likely to give in to the craving of the minute if you have a plan and the good foods in the house.


Good luck to you.

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I think the trick is not just to cut out the bad, but to replace it with good stuff that is easy to grab. Cut up some things and put them in baggies in the fridge. Fruits and veggies pre-washed and cut up should do nicely. Particularly the fruits because you will get the sugar, but without the crash you get with the simple carbs. Increasing water is also an essential part, and it sounds like you know that.

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eat something healthy BEFORE you get too hungry. I eat 2 breakfasts. One shortly after I get up and one in the middle of the morning. Then I have an afternoon snack whether I am really hungry or not (around 4 depending when you eat dinner.) some good ideas are protein shakes, peanut butter on toast, eggs, egg on toast, cottage cheese with fruit.


it sounds like you know what you need to do, it is just hard. it is a daily battle for me too, but I refuse to go the way of many sahms and give into being heavy.


you are probably also EXTRA hungry because you are suddenly exercising so much.

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