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Year long CO-op for Middle Ages, should we??

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Hi, I have been struggling with this, DS NEEDS a social outlet, he asks me everyday when he is starting "school" , and often seems angry with me for not letting him go to school.

I met a woman who is in a co-op type group, who is moving on to a Middle ages study next school year..it sounds awesome, like maybe just what we are looking for..but even though there are many young children in the group, it seems the material may be a bit over his head? She assures me that there will be plenty of material for a younger age group( he is 6), and I can pick and choose what I think is appropriate. Should we join??? I would love any input, thanks!!

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We studied the Middle Ages this year with my dd7. I think that time period would be right up a boy's alley! Knights, dragons, castles, jousting, King Arthur, Robin Hood....we had so much fun studying this stuff this year. My vote is join and have an amazing time :D

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ok, this is what I was thinking, I just wasnt sure if its what we should be studying at this point, ya know...like some people think at this age it should be more american history, gold mining, pilgrims, colonial times etc..

BUT..Im sure he can get that eventually, right??

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We studied the Middle Ages this year with my dd7. I think that time period would be right up a boy's alley! Knights, dragons, castles, jousting, King Arthur, Robin Hood....we had so much fun studying this stuff this year. My vote is join and have an amazing time :D



Especially if your son is asking for the social, I wouldn't deny him that and run the risk of him hating hs!! Middle Ages is perfect for a boy that age! It's exciting and full of action!:D

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