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You know how the Duggars are always talking about the importance of directing attention to your "countenance"? How do you teach that?


I have two kids whose natural expression is a scowl. I'm not talking about when things are bad, I mean all the time. They can walking through a parking lot and they look mad. If they aren't laughing, they are scowling.


I am NOT ready to buy into the whole ATI thing, but I would LOVE to have my kids (and me too!) look happy most of the time!

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I have taught my kids to smile when I tell them to. I usually only use it when they're mad about something, and I'll have them smile, which usually leads to a smile on the inside. ;)


I got them to smile by tickling them and telling them "smile" at the same time. That always gets a real smile. Then I started using it when they were unhappy, still using a tickle to get them to actually smile. Now I just have to say "smile", and they will.


I haven't dealt with a child that has a permanent scowl, so I don't know if this would work for that or if you need to do something more. I've just used to it to change bad attitudes.


(I'm not at all involved with the ATI stuff)

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You know how the Duggars are always talking about the importance of directing attention to your "countenance"? How do you teach that?


I have two kids whose natural expression is a scowl. I'm not talking about when things are bad, I mean all the time. They can walking through a parking lot and they look mad. If they aren't laughing, they are scowling.


I wish I knew, because it's my husband who has this issue, not my kids. He looks angry/upset/unhappy ALL. THE. TIME. It drives me crazy. I just find it kind of viscerally upsetting to see somebody walking around looking like that, and he finds it annoying that I'm constantly asking if he's okay. I tell him that if he doesn't me to ask him if he's okay all the time, he should try not to walk around looking like somebody just kicked his favorite puppy! It leads to a lot of misunderstandings.

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She talks about the reason they wear things around the neck--to draw attention to the countenance. Hmmm.


Maybe carrying a mirror around and doing a "countenance" check every once in a while?


Maybe leaving the video camera on during school and then watching the tape to see one's countenance?


(Not a big fan of ATI here.)

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