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Gift suggestions for friend's dd who is going to boot camp

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I am invited to attend the high school graduation of a friend's daughter. She is leaving for Navy boot camp sometime this summer. I want to give her a gift and would like to give her something that might be useful during boot camp or for after boot camp. You would think that since I left for Navy boot camp just after high school graduation that I would have some ideas, but that was 25 long years ago. :tongue_smilie: I have thought about nice stationary, stamps and a nice pen, but could really use some better suggestions.



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A gift card to the NEX? That's what I could've used in A School. Desperately. ;) I wouldn't send anything that could be used during Basic. When I went (OK, a long time ago, we won't get into how long...) we weren't allowed to take anything, anyway. When I got out and was heading to A School and beyond, I needed luggage I didn't have, but I got it at the NEX. You could definitely send a nice stationary set when she gets to school.

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Ditto on suggesting nothing for while in basic, but for after. For me the best gift was some of my own stuff ready and waiting when I got to A school--it happened to be near where my aunt lived and my mom shipped it to her so I had my music, my afghan, and some civvies waiting for me.


Don't know that stationary will be much use in A school...but a phone card (either to use at a pay phone or to go with her cell phone, whatever brand she's using) would be good to encourage keeping in touch.

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