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Startwrite 5.0 and D'Nealian (Are we at risk if we don't also use a guide book?)


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I bought the Startwrite 5.0 software a few months ago and we'll be doing the D'Nealian/Modern Manuscript in upcoming fall (K). The Startwrite tells one where (red dot) to start the letter. I've been guiding him myself having him start on the red dot, but I don't use the whole "down around monkey tail" vernacular. Do I NEED to buy the D'Nealian book that clusters letters in the similar sets (similar strokes) and says the "make a monkey tail" etc. or can we just wing it? In short, is Startwrite sufficient in and of itself in the area of proper stroke and letter formation?


I ask because I've read on here that some people said their kids picked up bad habits in their handwriting for various reasons and I'm wondering if by just doing Startwrite if I too am "winging it" and if we are "at risk" for these same issues down the pike.


Any thoughts?

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I think as long as you're staying with your child and watching letter formation until it becomes habit, you'll be fine. I had to retrain my son, not because a formal program wasn't used or because it wasn't taught properly, but because he was in a classroom of 17 students, and the teacher couldn't watch each and every stroke made by each child.


The benefit of buying the workbook is that you don't have to create the content yourself. Either method you choose, you have to watch and guide your child until proper habits are formed. I see nothing wrong with your plan to use Startwrite.

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